Monday, March 13, 2017

an (more or less) ideal budget...

$040 credit card debt (fingerhut + OS)
$025 cat
$005 RX
$100 God
$025 rent/??? (?)
$030 Spotify and Starbucks
$225 out of $225

My sister would insist this budget is far less than perfect.  Right now it's just maddeningly insane, but it's been that way for almost a year now if not longer.  It'll be at least two years before this budget is something I can implement.  In the meantime, the Kingdom of God will have to do without most of the money I'm called to set aside to Him.  I included a $25 rent increase, which is modest, as is the $5 increase in SSI...if Donald Trump runs for re-election in 2020 and wins, I might not even get that much.  I'm hoping the rent won't go up that much in less than 10 years, but I have no way of knowing.  My sister had relayed a plan to buy a big house to contain me and my mom + herself + my bro-in-law and their son Joseph and x# of children they may concoct in the future.  I don't know how that'll work alongside my sister's intention of sending Joseph to private school.  I do hope my sister can do the homeschool route, that does seem like it would be a lot less expensive, although someone would have to have the time and energy to make sure he is learning what he should be learning each week...anyway...guess my point starting out with -- not sure if it was obvious to start with -- was that in 6 or 7 years I might not be living at this address anymore.  If my rent does exceed $650 divided by 2 before Trump is replaced by whatever Democrat the people use to usher in "change" (rolls eyes), I might have to cut my Spotify/Starbucks bill and/or my tithing.  $100 is actually more than 1/10th, which means I could, if my income stays where it is currently, cut that by $15.  But even then, my rent could, potentially, go up by more than that in 8 years.  Of course, by then, my credit card debt should be *NO MORE THAN* $25/mo total...which means I could afford a $100 increase in rent if I used $40 - $25 ($15) and cut Spotify from the budget and only spent $10 on Starbucks (I'm not sure what the point in setting aside so little for Starbucks is...the only reason I go is to have something to do out with my mom, and there's been times we went there and she was behaving in a rather unpleasant manner...since she won't tell me what's on her mind 99% of the time, and she's the one with the driver's license, I get to Starbucks and if I don't buy anything, she wonders why, and then gets super p***ed, so it's $5 wasted or a whole day nightmare...between that and the times I feel unable to focus and figure out which of the menu items I want, and then the times I order what I want but the barista doesn't know how to make what I asked them to, the odds of enjoying Starbucks more than twice a year start dwindling further and further down the less I spend there.....)
Anyway...whatever happens, I'm sure we can figure something out.  As I illustrated in 3+ different ways, the budget I have here is a sketch, not a stone etching.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Yo, moon! Whatchoo lookin at?

;ate way too much cheesecake.  been sleepy all day, but it's 8:15P.M.  Over and out.

reading my WalMart credit card bill; one of life's guilty pleasures...

I spent $94 apprx on my WalMart credit card between 2/4 and 3/3
I paid $74 of that, which means I'm behind by $20 + $12 interest.

I do need to cut down my WalMart CC spending.  So far...I don't think I've placed any new orders since 3/3.  I can't be sure b/c 1) my "recent orders" says there are no recent orders and 2) they are sorry at the moment, and I should try accessing my "order history" (non-recent orders) "later" F1 is openly stupid and F2 acts like it knows what it speaks of, which is nothing...should I really trust F2??  Let's just say I'm not going to be supplying F2 with weaponry...

If I can keep from ordering ANYthing this billing period, I can accrue probably the same amount of interest, no more than, and then my minimum payment of $25 will do me about $12 worth of good...........,
,,My Fingerhut monthly payment right now is $60 b/c i owe them a shitone of money...the interest for that one is $25 give or take...which would be cool if I hadn't nullified my WalMart monthly payment by almost $10...
Uh, let's see...I dind't spend anything @ (my other CC)  in February, so I guess as far as THAT PARTICULAR billing period goes, I was $12 ahead there, $8 behind on WalMart, and $35 ahead on Fingerhut...$40?;  out of $ use some improvement but it's only gonna get so good with a mandatory interest charge total of $45....(rough estimate)
I guess I havent done too terribly bad; overall, my credit spending amounted to $35?  I could have cut that down a little...ideally, it'd be $0, but the closest ideal to that would be $10 or $15...$20 wouldn't be too bad, but at this point in time I have no hope for wanting anything.  I was all amped about the upcoming debut full length by this band named Can't Swim, who released an EP in 2016 titled DEATH DESERVES A NAME.  It's an OK CD, I'm not impressed with it.  There's so many of these mediocre emo bands with glossy production and mediocre songwriting skills.  Makes great background noise and if you're listening to it b/c you think the singer needs a pity party, then whatever....some people probably face the issues that these nu-emo singers are singing about.  They sound genuine, but they don't stand out.  I think the biggest issue I have with it all is they sound more angry and tormented than anything.  They sound like war cries rather than the kinds of sad lamentations that got me hooked onto emo in the first place.  I don't have any philosophy to justify the time I spend on sad gut wrenching songs to people who think sadness is enemy #2 tied in with regret and fear, with anger/hatred trumping those.  Happiness is something I usually feel after I've spent a good chunk of time utilizing a resource successfully.  But as I said, I like sad gut wrenching songs, so if I'm "successfully" listening to Pandora, is that really happiness?  So yeah...I guess my love of egg nogg can be dismissed fairly easily by all you egg nogg haters now...
anyway...was also thinking of pre-ordering a CD by a band called Have Mercy.  Not getting caught up in that again.  HMs' other two CDs are so-so, I guess...I don't like the singer's voice all much, and the music on them is a hybrid of dirge and swagger...I'd heard a couple single-song releases on Spotify 2 or 3 days ago, and was like "Oh, did these guys remove everything bad about their music?!"...then I went back and I was like "eh...".  I guess I was just in the mood for those songs then...whatever they were...I think one of them was called "Collider", can't remember what the other one was...uhk

was thinking about adding a bunch of movies I'd started watchin a year or two ago...I had
and something else, I my shopping cart, was like "oooh", but then I slowly came to a firm grasp on the fact that I simply did not like the way SPOTLIGHT was told.  It's little more than a dramatized documentary.  If the story that inspired it were not so compelling the movie would have sucked b/c there's no flair to the storytelling.  It just shows the reporters interviewing a bunch of people and collecting data.  If newspapers had "special features" like DVDs do, the contents of SPOTLIGHT would have been just that.
 It is cool to receive stuff in the mail...the stuff I receive is almost always easily disposable....

Sunday, March 5, 2017

credit worthiness on the loose

Wow.  I haven't used my Fingerhut CC since Nov. 9th
Minimum payments are over the roof.  I'm paying $60/mo (rrrr).  I have another $75 or so to pay down before I get my minimum down to $50 or something like that.....
I'm hoping to keep from using my Overstock and WalMart credit cards for the months of April & May and then use it very sparingly in June onward...I'll have about $10/mo to spend on b.s. and frivolous whatthejunks out of my post-bill/need/bigtime want money, so I figure I'll allow myself $10 or so from my credit cards, which will allow me to get ahead of my debt by $10 or so per month.  It's going to take a loooong time to get a handle on this to where I'm not paying $110/mo on credit card debt.  I have $220 to choose what goes to what.  Some of that goes to my cat Sophie (cat food and cat litter) which varies sorta b/c she doesn't need me to buy her food every month..., and some of that goes to medicine copays, which range from $1-$5 (not sure what that variance depends on...), grooming, and I'm able to spend $15-$30 on Starbucks Coffee Co. cafe outings...I have $30 if I don't eat out anywhere else...I usually spend about $9-$12 on eating out...but I don't eat out more than once a month, sometimes twice if I sell something(s) on Amazon, which I can't predict happening before it happens....I have inventory that's been idle for several months...usually if I sell something, it's something I've just recently uploaded...usually crap I bought from WalMart or Overstock...before I started selling out my budget to credit card debt, I would buy a lot of CDs and DVDs, some of them not worth much, some of them worth nothing, some of them worth almost $10...I'd buy stuff from Hastings Entertainment Superstore in Cape Girardeau, Missouri and then sell it on Amazon, knowing full well that Hastings would *maybe* give me a good chunk of my money back but most likely not...for awhile there I was running out of envelopes to ship my Amazon inventory in.  That's no longer a problem b/c I hardly ever sell anything on Amazon since I hardly ever list anything on Amazon.  Most of the stuff I sell on Amazon is stuff I can't sell to CD Warehouse b/c they have too many copies of it/them or because the items are too scratched or some nonesense.  I bought a CD on Overstock titled IT'S IMMATERIAL by a band called Black Marble.  I kept it for about a month and one-third.  I sold it at Amazon about half a month after I listed it.  Ditto for a movie titled MORRIS COUNTY, an anthology of short films tied together be a theme of suburban residents in distress.  That one took about a month to sell.  I did buy some envelopes back in April or May I took almost half a year to use them all and I still have envelopes collected from junk I get on Amazon, which I often can't resell ON Amazon without losing money, so I end up taking it to CD Warehouse, where they say it's too scratched...I've actually thrown out several CDs..that's something I didn't think I'd ever have to do...but if I just hold onto every CD I buy my trailer just turns into a rainbow of schit.  There's a fine line between being a pack rat and being a collector.

I'm probably getting my stories mixed up about the influx of inventory etc...I've had to get rid of some of the envelopes and boxes that were on hand...I did that in Missouri b/c we were seriously running low on space in the office closet, and we had actually ran out of space, so I chucked some of the packing materials that I seriously doubted would ever come in handy...I used to keep every CD-and-DVD-sized envelope I got in the mail on hand even if it was in less than ideal condition, but lately I've been able to be a lot more selective in that area.  I keep 'em for a little while, but I Just don't sell that much stuff.  I've kept a good deal of what I've bought over the last year.  I actually have a surprisingly large DVD collection...ditto with my CD collection.  I think I have around 40 CDs...I used to get panicked when I got half of that and think "what am i gonna do with all these CDS?", but it really doesn't matter.  It used to somewhat, b/c I had nowhere to put them once my media rack got filled up.  Before I had a media rack, I was overly concerned about quality...I was in this ridiculous persuit of perfection, looking for ways to refine my CD collection into some kind of thing worthy of awe in my eyes at least...the only thing wrong with my CD collection that I can see improving upon is the fact that it's all just entertainment, most of it with the exception of 2 or 3 genuine worship albums, one by Michael W. Smith titled SOVEREIGN (2014) and another by Crowder titled AMERICAN PRODIGAL (2016).  OH, yeah, I also have WAKE UP THE WONDER by Elevation Worship, which is more a worship album than AMERICAN PRODIGAL...I have a couple other Christian music albums on mp3 format...not sure if I have any more Christian music albums on CD...OH, yeah I do, I have 3 albums by Fernando Ortega...that guys cool.  I like his peaceful take on things  So many Christian albums in CCM are loud and obnoxious, which is fine for awhile...I don't think it's always needed though.  The Prince of Peace should have some peace-ful music in His name as well...bands and artists like Elevation Worship and Michael W. Smith have their softer songs, but they're backed by synthetic arrangements like electric guitar and synthesizer.  All that's left of God is the lyrics that pay homage to Him.  It's not a bad thing to use tools to help us in our lives.  We need things like stoves, electricity and gas power etc., doctors, but the only reason we need those things is b/c until we get to Heaven where the sin in our blood is removed -- not just fogiven -- and we can thus have unrestricted, unadulterated access to God, we are not in a state of being where we can EXPECT God to do anything for us...we are blessed to have His Holy Spirit to guide us in the correct path of our life, but even then we have to work at listening, at least I do...someone who is naturally a good listener or has a formed habit of good listening skill can probably interpret what His spirit is saying better than I...

Back to my financial things which I started this post with......
Had been kinda feeling lousy about my CC situation...freaking out, I guess.
but after thinking about it, I came to a sorta conclusion...
Like I said, I haven't used my Fingerhut CC since November 2016.  Yes, it sucks that I have that on top of $50 owed to other creditors.  But I don't need or even really want to add to my Fingerhut debt.  Their selection is slim and their prices are out of this world.
If I can keep my Fingerhut situation the way it's been the past 5 months(!), I can eventually get out from under it...shouldn't take more than 4 years to pay it off completely.  My WalMart and Overstock CC can then be paid down faster.  Should have them paid off shortly after Fingerhut b/c I owe them combined the same amount I owe Fingerhut...well, plus a couple hundred dollars...but
honestly, I have no significant interest in being "debt free".  The problem I see is that I started out with a WalMart credit card credit line of $700 and now I owe them over $600.  I JUST OPENED THAT ACCOUNT!!!!, like, what?--3 months ago?  This isn't a new development either.  I've been paying $40/mo on average on my account.  I was doing so-so for the first month and a half, I think...kept the balance down to $400 or something...'s a mess, but assuming the economy doesn't 1up the Great Depression or God doesn't send me Home early, I should be able to untangle it in time.........lots and lots of time.....

Saturday, March 4, 2017

a giant cup of wtf-EVER!

Been shopping up the wazoo, mostly with credit.
Planning on returning apprx. $10 worth of it and I have a pending refund for about $20 worth of more.  I spent $16 on one thing b/c I was offered $10 cash back on it for trying this service...they said it will take 3-6 weeks to receive it...eeesh...not much telling if i'll have the willingness to pay toward my CC with the cash that I get back from it...I bought a Club O Gold membership from, priced at the standard rate of $20, but they offered $25 worth of Club O Gold points, which I felt was too good to pass up.  What's more is I get free s/h on all future orders until 1 year from sign up --- no minimum.  Normally's prices are a bit higher than places like WalMart or Amazon, but SHUTUP! they had Martin Scorsese's GOODFELLAS on DVD for $2 and some chump change.  I KNOW!  That DVD isn't normally very expensive no matter where you buy it, but I not only found it for next to nothing, but I didn't have to go through some monster-company to buy  I also ordered a couple other things, one of which I should have used my Club O Gold points on instead of ordering it with my Club O Gold membership...I'll be returning that when I can...probably Tuesday.  I also pre-ordered something, might go ahead and return that too..actually, I think I'll keep the item that's NOT a pre-order and then use my points on the item I pre-ordered once I get everything straightened out...gosh, this a tangled web...the pre-order won't be coming until the 28th or something so it probably won't even be here until April.  In the meantime, it racks up interest...I haven't even seen the movie, the one I might have mentioned in a prior blogpost not sure A MONSTER CALLS; looks promising, although Rotten Tomatoes critics seem to have somewhat mixed reactions to it-- that could mean nothing or it could mean something...


Sheesh.  Haven't been reading my Bible...I'm like 10 days behind...(sigh)

This is probably a crude sketch of my food budget.  There's probably a couple or so things I'm leaving out.  I get $142 in SNAP benefits each month on the 13th.  Hopefully I can come up with some alternatives to some of the things on here...(i.e.: "junk food"...sandwich bread really should last more than 1.25 days a loaf...might figure out how to do thathehe).

3/5 - 3/26 (21 days)

$000.00 pancakes (4 days) (4 days)
$000.00 4xTUNA (2 days) (6 days)
$008.00 4x bread (5 days) [11 days]
$000.00 cream of wheat (2 day) [13]
$004.00 bran flakes (3 days)    [17]
$011.00 Peet’s coffee
$004.00 2x creamer
$006.00 2x milk
$015.00 junk food (3 days) [20]
$000.00 eggs (1 days) [21]

3/27 - 4/14 (19 days)
$09 3x MILK
$07 1x CF eggs (2 days)
$04 creamer
$02 pancake mix (2 days)
$00 cream of wheat (1 days)
$20 junk food (5 days)
$16 8x bread (5 days)
$09 12x tuna (4 days)
