Apparently it's a respectable position that The Spirit of God, God's Spirit, etc. is the same thing as "The Holy Spirit". What does King David mean when he says "I am grieved in my spirit"? Is David talking about "The Unholy Spirit"? Of course God has a spirit. People have even proclaimed (like anyone really knows) that God is NOTHING BUT a spirit. "The Holy Spirit" refers to the indwelling of God in mankind. God, being a spiritual entity, and being Holy, of course, could be another way of saying The Holy Spirit. So of course The Holy Spirit is God. What else would The Holy Spirit be? There's a little bit of distinction between God the father and God the son. God the son is a different person who has the same will, same intent, same purposes as God the father. He is different from God the father but not in any way that would make Him less worthy of worship and obedience. However, the differentiating qualities of The Holy Spirit are not explained in nearly as much detail. As far as I can tell there is no difference. The only difference is the measure in which we each receive The Holy Spirit. I don't think ANY one of us have the capacity in our bodies or minds to fully receive God the father. His character and general attributes, both known and unknown to present day Earthlings, are too massive to fit inside of an individual human vessel. The emphasis in scripture with The Holy Spirit is that He guides us and strengthens us to do what is required of us. God the father is so much more than that. Or...I guess there's a chance I'm mistaken about that. People have said that in Heaven we'll never stop learning about God because there's just that much to learn. If that is in fact true, The Holy Spirit is not the full sum of God.