This is absolutely stupid, the way businesses operate like this. I can't just send an email and get a response. I have to go through this stupid portal, SEND them a message, and VOOSH!, any evidence that I even said anything disappears. The only evidence that I said anything is this generic email that says "We'll be in touch" And then a week later, or 3 days, whatever, in all reality, it is entirely possible another concern could arise, I send an email about that, and same thing happens. How do these vapideese fkkkkkkkk!s think I'm supposed to know WHAT they're TALKING ABOUT???? Especially when they send some dumb response that is often -- not always -- characteristic of customer service representatives. I ask "What would happen if I cancelled an order?" and they for all I know could respond "We're sorry. In order to mark this transaction as fraud, you'll need to contact your credit card issuer" And it's entirely possible that they might be responding to another email I could have maybe sent in the same 5 day window that says something like "You're marquee is mispelled. You might have difficulty generating traffic that way" I don't know how either of those would illicit a response on the topic of fraud, but I don't understand a lot of the responses I receive from CS reps. It's actually gotten better over the past couple years, but I'm still leery of all the piles of bs my memory has fluttering about, most of it receded kinda far back...
You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous
Friday, September 16, 2022
"We'll be with you shortly"
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Here ye here ye Ghostbusters!
I totally agree with this guy. It boggles my mind that so many audience members are absolutely positive about Ghostbusters Afterlife. I don't think either of the recent (er) Ghostbusters movies are really worth the money spent on them. They're ok. Movies that are "just ok" have a budget of maybe $5 million. Not $75++ million. So much could have been done with all these half baked movies that never even turn a profit. I was reading about a week ago that Jackson Mississippi really needs its' plumbing overhauled. But that doesn't really matter to anyone except people living in Jackson Mississippi. Because people's compassion is replaced by devoting their lives to making top dollar. Idk. Maybe I'm wrong on all of this...I certainly don't have any business judging anyone either way on the matter.
I don't think there really is a good way to continue the Ghostbusters franchise. If there is I'm not qualified to make any suggestions. One idea is Dan Aykroyds original spec script getting its' day in cinemas. But that'd have to be done by someone who has some brain activity in his (or her...) head, and an appreciation for aesthetic. Seriously -- just about every still frame of GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) looks like a richly nuanced and expressive painting. There was a calander for 2014(?),I think..., that got mass produced and if you look at all the pictures on the back of it you (might?) see my point. (I see that same brilliance in Steven Spielberg's E.T., just btw.)
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Fridays yesterday and on.
I'm no longer going to coop Fridays. My ride decided it's not worth her time or energy. I do feel like I should have received some kind of warning. I guess it's quite possible she may have warned me in a very indirect manner....and I honestly can't think of a Bible verse that supports my thoughts on the matter, so whatever. I feel like God has pulled me from that work because I've been far too selfish and indecisive in taking action against it. So, I'm just trying to wrap my mind around how to move forward, which is confusing and frustrating as anyone with any understanding of psychology (human emotions, thoughts and behavior) can probably figure...