Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I found myself fancying the prospect of (eventually) buying a Sony boombox, then after, like, 10 minutes (ok, it was probably only like 5 minutes...), I was like "I don't have hardly any CDs!!! And I don't know what else to add to what little I already have!!!! Why the heck do I need a CD player of ANY kind????"...the more harrowing question, that I cannot find an answer for, is why is this the case?? There's like 10 billion CDs (at least, I'd think...) hovering in around and above + below this planet, and none of them are worth buying!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I've probably just worn out the ones I do "like", but you'd think with 30+ years of rock & pop, there'd be more to be wowed by other than a select handful of bands/artists...

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