well, BRINGING OUT THE DEAD is available for pickup at my local Wal-Mart (that "Free S&H with in-store pickup" concept is a mystery to me...). I prolly won't get it today, 'cause I don't have anything willing & able to give me a ride...
My mother agreed to pick up Paul Simon's GRACELAND for me. It's gonna be $7 + tax, which isn't bad for a local small business. I don't think it's that much cheaper at Amazon or eBay, although I haven't checked recently...it wouldn't matter anyway really 'cause I don't have any means of paying for stuff online...
I just listened to GRACELAND and it's GRRRRRRREAT!! Owning it won't do a whole lotta good, but it's nice to own a "complete" CD collection, one that reflects one's taste(s). I don't know...it'd be nice to have a huge stack of compact digital audio recording discs and then need to buy some new thing to put them in...right now I have an entertainment center, which fits my TV just barely (it's only a 24", although it's analog, not LCD or HDTV or anything like that...). If I get a bigger TV and a significantly larger # of CDs, I'd hate to think what I'd have to do with my entertainment center...throwing it away would be a BIG chore, and selling it would be difficult as well (I think...).
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