I don't remember what prompted me to think about this CD and its album cover, but I was actually hoping to find a poster with this image on it, 'cause I used to have this CD set back when I was in high school, and I didn't too much care for it. I guess back then I had EXTREMELY "unrealistic" expectations when it came to music. These days there's still a lot of stuff I don't like that many consider me stupid or "closed-minded" for not liking, but I've learned to pick from what's available and sort-of put up with it, so to speak...but anyway...I was listening to Disc 1 on Rhapsody (just a few or so minutes ago) and found myself strongly enjoying the sweet grooves and beats. Now I'm on disc 2 via Rhapsody and I'm thinking it's not as good as Disc 1, although I'm only on song 2...but seriously, ain't this a BEAUTIFUL image? I like the different neon(ish) colors and the desertedness of the scenery; I would make a comparison to taking a walk when the sun is coming up and there's but a few cars on the road(s), but firstly, that's a rather small scale comparison to this image, since this image is almost out-of-this-world, and 2ndly, if such things don't compell whoever may be reading this, then there's nothing I can do to make such things compell X person(s). So I guess I'll just leave it at this...
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