Thursday, October 23, 2008

this is ticking me off

I'm getting really ticked off with these people slamming others for not wanting to make English the "official" United States language. Making such legislation does NOTHING except make it "official" that the United States doesn't like it when non-English speaking people live here. Oh, poor America; having its children being exposed to other hoo hoo!

I think if people have such a problem with non-English speaking folk living in the United States, that instead of making English the official language in our country, they should just go back to England, where English originated and has been the official language for centuries. If they don't like that idea, just think how all these Germans and Mexicans and Chinese people (...) must feel to have to be told to go back to their homeland or learn English.

We already have the conveniences that come with NOT being a minority; if listening to other people speak an other language is discomforting, there's a simple solution: GET OVER IT! It's not that difficult and it's not even all that time consuming. You can support narrow minded thinking all you want, that doesn't keep the non-narrow minded from having enough courage and integrity to do the same thing with their way of thinking.

Case in point; the identities of adults are formed by the influences from their childhoods. These influences vary from city to city and state to state and from county to country. We live in a world where families often have to move to new environments to find good jobs, and these families interact with their new surroundings and learn new things about other people.
In other words, LEARNING is required, unless you live under a rock. LEARNING equals a less narrow mind and until LEARNING becomes outlawed, these "radical liberals" are not going to back down to you people! Thankfully Barack Obama is protected by a vast array of open minded (although decidedly corrupt...) media officials and the like, as well as a bigger campaign budget, so that the ordinary uncaring unconcerned selfish idiot who MIGHT vote for either candidate will most likely vote for the dude who DOESN'T position himself with a bunch of narrow minded and hateful dudes.

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