Tuesday, February 10, 2009

HH pt 2

I just bought Hawthorne Heights' 2nd CD used on Amazon and am listening to it courtesy of a torrent site...it's got a lot of energy and sonic intrigue mixed with the usual emotional fireballs. What's weird is I listen to IF ONLY YOU WERE LONELY and then go back to THE SILENCE IN BLACK & WHITE and find SIBW to be rather dumb sounding...like the singer/screamer are like totally not good at articulating their words; like "bluh bluh bluhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." is the first thing I hear from the album. I guess a good comparison would be when I hear a 5 year old try to act like an adult, or a 12 year old pretend to be someone they're not when they totally aren't good at it...stupid. Their 2nd CD has a more refined, solid sound. Their 1st one sounded really dusty, like...idk...if you don't get what I mean, then NVM...I don't even know why I'm writing all of this...
Basically, I'd say their 2nd CD does less to prove their haters wrong at the whole "boy band" nonsense; it's full of "slick", catchy anthems for the warped love-struck teens of the country...whereas their 1st CD has more of a rugged sound and the songs on it blend in with each other less...or maybe I'm just too sleepy right now to even know what I'm talking about...yaaawn...

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