Friday, March 6, 2009

objects afront you usually more disgusting than they appear


this looks intriguing. It has some not-so-awesome songs on it, but it also had people working on it who were unbraindeadened enough to include 2 KILLER songs from Nena's album 99 LUFTBALLOONS that, even though (as far as I know) weren't on the radio were still REALLY GOOD songs...although, really; was anything of hers on the radio aside from the title track of 99 LUFTBALLOONS and its English counterpart? Maybe in Germany...but regardless, it seems like compilation makers intentionally take the "greatest" away from "hits"; these compilations shouldn't usually be referred to as "greatest hits" packages and CERTAINTLY not "best of" packages. Do these albums have hits? Yes, more or less, but GREATEST? Just b/c a song climbs up the Billboard charts does not make it a GREATEST hit. Dancability, and catchiness are only important to ditzes who have nothing but empty space in their head. What about gut-wrenching confessionalism or anthemic life-savers? "Rhetta Miche" IS catchy, and it's got a quirky devilish beat, with multiple layers of sound, and X/? song (that one that translates from German to "Light House" in English) has a very deep and resonating beat, almost creepy bass, definitely worth hearing (AND it's catchy!). Are these songs danceable? Maybe, but you probably won't find wasted youths/young-adults dancing to these tunes for the sake of forgetting half the week they just lived out.

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