wow. McrPlus (my coke rewards "plus") has TWO VERSIONS of the Sandra Bullock (sp?) film CRASH (remember when that would have been a selling point?), which is unusual; in fact, the very fact that the film is carried by MCRPlus is surprising, 'cause if you look up 9/10 of any movie, good or bad, only 1/10 of those will be there...actually, that's probably giving their selection the benefit of the doubt...the doubt as to how many good movies actually exist. And of course most of the films they cary are completely worthless, although a lot of those are worth SEEING, just not worth owning, certainly not for the price(s) they ask...they want more than what WalMart or Amazon charges, PLUS your points (lots of 'em). Oh, and there's S&H added to the already inflated total.
But I think it's intersting - no, I'm not gonna mention why I haven't posted in 10++ days..what do you mean WHY? 'cause I don't know!! ah, dang it. you confused whoever the heck aside from my mom is reading this... - that they carry the film, AND they carry TWO VERSIONS of it. Why? Well, frankly, it's only b/c I, for one, did not like the movie. All the film does for me is remind me of how stupid people can be. That guy in the gun shop was a total IDIOT! He assumes that all Arab people are friends with one another and that they have the same will as the heck is it possible to defeat this kind of evil/stupidty with watching a movie about it? I guess some people may just act like worthless scum but they have a not-so-hidden desire to rise above?
I guess racism is still just as prevelant as ever...either that or people just like to dwell on stuff that's mostly dead and buried...I mean, that film just came out a couple or so years before Obama became our President. I guess the idea of CRASH was to show people how dumb their unspoken (i.e.: suppressed) thoughts are, by showing people saying them out loud...since people don't often do that these days...
But it must be one heck of a popular film, ya know? All, or most, of the films that MCRPlus carries are total pop-culture fluff (kind of redundant, I know...), since that, for some reason(s) or another, seems to resonate with society the most. But CRASH is not exactly "fluff", I don't think...granted, it appeals to the illiterate and/or inarticulate (or something worse maybe...), but it's still got a point (I think...), which is more than can be said about BEVERLY HILLS's just too bad there's not other movies that are just as emotionally enveloping, if not more so, that people think are worth seeing...
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