As mentioned in old (oldER - I know I haven't posted in awhile...) post(s), Imeem is, now WAS, the greatest thing since music itself (woah!). MySpace bought Imeem and turned it into "MySpace Music", which was fine w/ me except they killed the ability to just sit back and let an album flow into one's ears. You had to push "play" to start track #1 and then skip track #1 in order to get track #2 to play. Well, it looks like either MySpace Music is having a bug in their system or they fixed this nonsense...
I'm reading Elliot Perlman's SEVEN TYPES OF AMBIGUITY, lovin' it, but I'm not even 1/10 of the way through it, so it might change direction unpleasantly like Poppy Z. Brite's LOST SOULS. But so far so good. There's an author by the name of Patrick McGrath who doesn't seem to have any problem churning out great sickly sweet novels and a book titled "The Assault" by Henry (?) Muslich or some similar looking name...I checked out one P. McGrath novel that the library had (they have THREE!) and "The Assault". Just read a page of Patrick McGrath's DR. HAGGARD'S DISEASE and had to close the book and embrace it, enjoying the beauty of having a book to read and just flows so perfectly and the type font on that edition (hardcover edition is out of print I think) is beautiful. I hope the in print softcover edition is so splendidly printed. The cover art for the softcover edition is more striking, but, ya know, sux that they have to make everything paper in order to keep from "needing" to charge $10 more...
Been wanting to bask in the air of J.G. Ballard's CRASH (1973). Can't 'cause I'm broke and the library don't got it. That book kinda felt like watching an atrocity occur and not fully understanding it. Then when I did understand it and wrapped my mind around it, it felt like I was walking into a haze, or fog, sprinkled with some sort of subtly unnerving chemical. Yep, that's the 70's for ya. The movie had to wait 23 years to get made b/c there's enough dumb people who think reading a book isn't the same thing as eeing something on a movie screen. Of course, the movie's only virtue was its intense portrayal of sex, which it could have done better at to begin with, but the "plot" (which I never cared much about and barely makes any sense...) would be sacrificed if the sex scenes were any hotter. Some one should make a X-rated sex movie with all the knockout stars they can convince to do it - maybe Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Connolly, or Megan Fox, maybe Avril Lavigne? Heck, they say men prefer blondes, but I know I'm not the only one who would pay good money to see A BEAUTIFUL FACE...I mean, why would Megan Fox be so popular if blondes had all the attention? Maybe someone already thought of it and couldn't get any of 'em to hop on board. You'd think Paul Veerhoven (sp?) could have thought of something...
Spend the last 5 or so hours listening to Funeral For A Friend on MySpace Music. Great band. Love 'em. Mainly been listening to MEMORY AND HUMANITY, surprisingly released on Victory Records. Why did Ferret Records let 'em go?? Maybe they went bankrupt...Victory Records is the home of all those emo bands that either found better homes or aren't any good anyway...well, Silverstein's almost as good as FFAF, well, maybe not almost, but they got about half or a little more of FFAF's greatness. The singer's screaming gets a little annoying pretty quickly. FFAF doesn't scream in their music, they just sorta yell...idk. It's not as unnerving as Silverstein's screaming. The Silverstein singer sure does have a beautiful voice and they got a lot of great songs. A lot of people hated ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES, but I think it's possibly the best of their bunch. Of course, everyone loved DISCOVERING THE WATERFRONT, but hated WHEN BROKEN IS EASILY FIXED, whereas I like DTW, but WHEN BROKEN IS EASILY FIXED beats 'THE WATERFRONT by at least two-fold in my ears. Of course, I probably do have some earwax buildup. I tried clearing them out a week or so ago, and hasn't changed my opinion of Silverstein as far as I know...but I don't think I got everything either...might need a professional (??) to do the job...
GBII 4pk is out now exclusively at Toys "R" Us. Hoping my sister can at least loan me the $ to get it. I'd consider the mere ability to have it w/o draining all my funds gift enough. I don't know if she has that money available tho...I say "gift" 'cause she seems like she might wanna buy me a gift for my b-day coming up in about a month and 4 days...
Welp; that's all for me for now, I think...I think I can always post again if I think of something else...
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