Tuesday, December 19, 2017

something less trivial

Forgot to take my meds yesterday and the day b4.
Finally took them today.  My head is swirling with out of balancenesss; it feels like a chore to try to remember the fact that I deed indeed take them today.
I thought today was Wednesday up until about an hour or so ago, because my sister didn't have her Bible Study Fellowship meeting that night, so I had in my mind that it was Tuesday.  TODAY is Tuesday.  Hooray.  By Thursday my brain will probably be back in line and I'll still have a day and a half left before I have to wake up and make a 9-11 hour trek from Gwinnett County in Georgia to Cape Girardeau County in Missouri.  Then I have to make another 10(?) hour trek back after 3.5 days of who knows what.  Christmas isn't until Monday, and we'll be leaving Tuesday.  I guess I'll be squished in the backseat of my sister's car the bulk of that time.  That damn thing is cramped with that giant car seat in there(!!).  I really don't want to NOT show up.  It's a stretch to say I'll be miserable the whole time, especially since I have no idea what I'll be doing or not doing the entire time.  I don't even know where I'll be sleeping.  I'm assuming I'll be cut off from the internet the entire time.  But will I?  How would I know?  I'm not walking from my grandma's house to the library.  And is there really any reason I need to use the internet EVERY day?  Not likely.

So anyway............................................

And I told the Cape Community Church of God that I'll be back to visit.  This will be the third Christmas in a row that that didn't happen.  I don't intend to make that a reality.  The pastor there is resigning to relocate closer to his parents, one of whom's health is failing.  It doesn't even effect me really, but I feel like I miss him already...vicariously perhaps, through people I haven't really spoken to in quite some time with the possible exception of a couple snippets on Facebook.

And my gramma *is* old.  She's not in the best of health, and no matter her health, she isn't going to live forever.  I don't want to emulate the lyrics of Right Said Fred's one and only hit single, but I don't want to deprive my gramma of my presence up until she's in hospice or whatever.  I don't know what she likes about my presence, but that's for her to know and me to NVM.

Ok, then.......
sheet!  Also got mucus running rings around my efen head and my breathing is effed as well.
At least I'm not dead.
I haven't read The Bible (part of/any part of) in at least close to a week.  I can see it too.
Need to get to that today and keep at it.

I did take a 25 minute walk today.  I lost 150 calories just from the walk.  I downloaded this step counter app for my cheapass smartphone (it works!) and its been counting lost calories even when I'm not doing anything with my feet OR the phone.  In the span of an hour, I had burned 50? calories.  I'd have to look again, that might be way off.  But the amount of calories I burned while walking was like 4x that much.  So my rather big breakfast was a little less big than it would have been otherwise.  I have a separate app for my food intake.  I ate a little more than a serving of Marie Calander's Chocolate Satin pie, but there's no option to tell the app that I only ate 1.5 servings.  And I don't think I even ate quite that much, but then you consider coffee w/ creamer & sugar and then maybe a glass of hot chocolate or whatever....it's not too terribly off the mark to say I consumed 1100 calories.  My lunch will probably be a little big, maybe 600 calories.  I ate a buttload of chicken nuggets yesterday, had been craving them for awhile and thinking it's rather idiotic that I hadn't been buying them with more regularity, but I finally got some.  And I ate most of them, or at least over half of them.  I think I might only have 4 servings left.  If i have a whole whopping 4 servings, I'll either eat all 4 or throw 1 serving away.  If I choose the former, I'll consume almost 800 calories, which is almost all of my day's intake.  I might be able and semi-willing to restrain myself and just have some grape nuts or whatever.  idk.
Sooo....I don't know what other anticdotes and updates I have to share.  I feel like it's time for bed and I"m already hungry again, darnit!!  Need to stop typing.  I may have already said something wrong.  ugh.

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