I found AVATAR rather annoying in the way it portrayed the success of the goody good lone wolf up against the behemoth of evil that he was up against. This film, unlike that movie, is not based on a large chunk of one facet of US history. This film is based on a long standing problem that far predates US history and is told in the most outrageous way possible. It's over the top in the depictions of evil, and the "good guy" is less of a saintly type than the character in AVATAR. More to the point, he's a child, and he has his convictions about morality, but he's still a child -- which means it's easier to talk him out of those convictions and get him entrenched in this twisted rabbit hole he ends up stumbled upon. The film is basically a fairy tale. The sleeping beauty of sorts whose stuck in the high tower waiting for her prince charming is indeed a Cinderella type, constantly walking on egg shells to avoid facing the cruelty of her parents, and is indeed rescued by an actual human being rather than a "fairy godmother" (whatever that is...). A real whopper of a movie. Sure, it's not a cure for poverty. Wes Craven, regardless of his religious faith or lack thereof, should know based on his Biblical teaching that the poor have no savior except surrender to Jesus and that salvation is not in this life but in the next, for those who accept the terms laid forth in The Gospel. AVATAR, on the other hand, made me yearn for a time and place where being gung ho about your beliefs was enough to keep you alive in your physical shell as it is currently known and not get struck down any minute by a giant robot. People read the story of Daniel in the Lion's den and think the moral of the story is that God will keep you out of trouble if you pray to Him. The fact is there is no moral to that story. That story was a piece of a much bigger story. And that much bigger story was a piece of an even bigger bigger story. But I'm getting sidetracked. Anywayyy. I'm probably too tired to bother writing this anyway, although not tired enough to sleep I don't think.....maybe I'll edit this later, I might not.
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