Did in fact finish the 5 day study plan of Galatians. I don't think I extracted as much from it as I would have liked. Between his precision and the out of body existence he lived with..........It's almost like a stream of consciousness writing except it's got some important stuff in it. In some ways, it reminds me of the Old Testament passages such as the Book Of Job when God was listing various creations. Not every word in those passages is worth something on its own. It's not worthless when taken as a whole, and maybe it's worth more than I realize, but that passage, along with others that I've been reading more recently from the prophets, just go on and on, would be much easier to read if it were permissible to read God's Word in an abbreviated form. For instance, "I created the Earth and everything in it, far before even Abraham's time, how much more before yours. Can you name all of my creations? You are foolish for thinking you can!" See? A medium sized paragraph. Instead, The Bible stretches it out over the course of two pages. I'm sure there's something of value in those two pages, possibly an opportunity to worship if nothing else. That's actually a passage I read several months ago. I've read stuff more recently that I don't even recall well enough to paraphrase or cite by book, much less chapter or verse. So obviously that bit of Job does register with me somewhat.
I've only read one entry of my One Year Bible this week.
Despite this and the last many many weeks/months of similar results, I am fairly confident I will finish the One Year Bible in 2 years, not 3 (or 4, or 5......). I'm not entirely sure how that's possible. I must have been doing something right some of this time. Weird.
In other news, I finished watching THE OTHER WOMAN (2009) w Natalie Portman. I started watching it several months ago and got through a good chunk of it in one sitting and watched a little more later and just finally got the last half of it watched. It's a relatively short movie. COLD MOUNTAIN (2003) was a more "period piece" like movie and was twice as long and was not bad. I saw about half of it. Melodramas are good, IMO, but they don't need to be 3 hours long. THE GREEN MILE was 3 hours long, but it wasn't entirely melodrama. It had a lot of quant conversational moments. It was so long because it had a leisurely pace like that of a Stephen King novel. It didn't rush into the drama. If it had, it would've come across as rushed and without any frame of reference for the audience to recall. THE GODFATHER was 3 hours long, but it was not a melodrama. It was a fictional document, meant to illustrate the eerie bridges that exist between the courts and the streets. While I don't agree with it, mainly because it fictionalizes the mafia to look good in ways that it never did, I do also agree that the courts have no authority on truth. They do have the authority however to punish you for not bowing down to them. They can pull a gun on you and demand you say otherwise, but the truth is not what I say nor is it what someone else says. The truth simply is. One's inability to know the truth or comprehend it doesn't change it. In that respect, the courts rightly refer to THE FACTS. A fact is not truth. The existence of a fact that does indeed exist is a truth, but the same goes for the existence of facts that are not documented in ways the courts have the ability or authority to know or comprehend, which the courts do not deem FACT, but rather OPINION, or something else. A court ruling declaring someone guilty is not necessarily right, but you cannot argue that point without a humongous pile of paperwork filed and submitted. A casual statement of common sense is enough to get you thrown in jail.
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