Wednesday, January 2, 2019

what the heck?

Stupidity alert @ the peanut gallery soundoff section for the Blu ray release (available for pre-order) of 2018's SUSPIRIA, a film inspired by the 1977 film of the same title.
Guy starts his review by saying "how bad" the film is and then instead of criticising the film for being a bad movie, he lists the ways in which the movie differs from the 1977 film as if a frame by frame reshoot of the original would serve any purpose what so f""n ever.  Nobody wants to labor over something that's already been done.  If filmmakers didn't enjoy their work to some extent, they would "get a real job".  Yes, I'm sure filmmaking has its set backs.  There's stress with the job, no matter weather you're the director or a crew member, like any other, but if it weren't an alluring career, it wouldn't be a career.  There's plenty of jobs that exist for the simple fact that people gotta eat and make a living.  If you're entire job is going to consist of "giving the audience what they want", there's always Burger King.  There's factory jobs where you can oversee the manufacturing of household goods that people feel are important to own, like toothpaste, stationary, clothing, etc. etc. etc.....There's shipping facilities for ecommerce companies like Amazon and TransUnion Entertainment etc., not to mention stocking and scanning jobs at "real world" retailers like WalMart and Target  There's plenty of mundane robotic by the numbers jobs people can do that don't involve deviating from any standard or precedent. 
But even in those jobs, if you can find a way to do something and do it better, a promotion is often in the forseable future, if not the immediate one.  Creativity is not a bad thing, in most cases.

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