Monday, September 2, 2019

Mind over matter

Here's to a new day in a new month of a relatively new year (even 2017 wasn't really that long ago, ey?)

After reading some scripture yesterday, I feel a little hope that I can focus my energies away from things that hinder my relationship with God & combat temptations as they arise.  I'm going to have to see how that goes.  A mild temptation did arise a moment ago, but it was easy enough to say "no" to. 
  The struggle I'm feeling at this moment here now is: do I mow the lawn or not?  I'm not really physically tired.  My brain is telling me otherwise tho.  It really wants to command my body to sleep but my body is like "screw you!  You can't tell us what to do!" sister said she's also kinda foggy headed this morning (yes, I realize it's afternoon now, but the conversation with my sister was two hours ago roughly HA!)  Anyway...I don't think the lawn needs mowing.  It seems like it should need mowing, considering how long it's gone w/o, and it probably should be mowed, just to make future mowings less messy and time consuming...
idk.  I still have the rest of the day to get that done.


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