There's a number of Christian songs that have lyric(s) such as "This world has nothing for me"...I really wish people would quit presenting those as worship songs. I know God is not in the wind or the waves, nor is He limited to the charactaeristics of gold, cows, or cow-shaped gold and we should do whatever it takes, individually, to avoid cherry picking God's characteristics when we worship Him. To not do so, one is at risk of violating the 2nd commandment. True, we should also help others with their spirit-centered endeavors, but to idealize a complete disregard for all that God has given us is almost as blasphemous as idolatry. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the music we knowingly hear, the people who warm our hearts, the epic tales we read about, it all is a gift from God. Yes, they are all stained by sin. If God justifies us, the ones who are responsible for this sin stain that effects everything in the world, why does anyone choose to reject what God has given TO US??? Yes, we need to keep in mind that this world is fading away and regardless of when that finally happens, we are not going to be here for a very long time at all. Life seems long because of impatience. If you look down the road past a point where you can't see and aren't focused on the view in between, you are at risk of colliding with oncoming traffic. I honestly don't think there's anything fatal about being apathetic about God's Earthly creations. Salvation awaits anyone who loves God, but I do find lyrics such as "This world has nothing for me" better suited for private listening. There are verses in scripture that do make it seem like Jesus wanted us to forsake everything about the world except our neighbors and The Holy Spirit, but it can also be interpreted that Jesus wanted us to pay attention to Him. People walked up to the Almighty Savior and started marveling TO HIM AT the beautiful buildings in Jerusalem. Jesus wasn't arguing that the buildings were NOT beautiful. He was making a contrast about the buildings and the person being spoken to about the buildings. He could have been self exalting and said "Hey, doofus! THIS IS THE SON OF GOD ALMIGHTY YOU'RE TALKING TO! I'M ALWAYS GOING TO BE HERE! THESE STONES AREN'T!" He took a gentler approach, which I find admirable, even though I've been known to be more like Rush Limbaugh in the way I talk (thanks to my mom, I'm not arrogant enough to accept a weekly paycheck for doing so although I once was, thanks be to God that I no longer believe I would do something like that...except maybe if that were the ONLY other way to have any income.....but even then...idk....the heart IS exceedingly wicked and also deceptively so. People often think better of their character than they have any business doing and I try to avoid making bold claims such as "Id never___" )
Kind of a small topic especially considering my absence.
...sry :/
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