Friday, July 30, 2021

Commute second Biblical counselor, it seems, has washed his hands of me.



I ended up with two Biblical counselors because one guy in the church was getting ready to graduate from college and he needed test subjects, basically
So.. ya.  He told me I had to be committed and...I'm not.  So...the end.

I do need to be more intentional about Bible reading.  I intend to write out my thoughts on what I read.  I'm intending it to be daily. I don't feel in control of what I end up doing.  I'll just leave it there.  I don't feel like trying to convince anybody of what and who I am.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

3 steps forward, 2 steps back....daz how IB rollE'n

 well.....I managed to keep from gazing into the depths of sin 2 days out of the 5 days of this week (so far).  I sunk Sunday afternoon, Monday night and again very early Wednesday morning.  Gosh.  Talk about making up for lost time :////

Alrighty.  God still has 1 point over Satan.  Not a very wide margin of victory, not the kind He deserves.  I should be more faithful to Him.  I hope.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

bluetooth keyboard

 typing this trying out my bluetooth keyboard.

so far so good.  still can benefit from getting used to.

hopefully i'll be able and willing to type using this if I feel inclined to say something that I don't feel at ease enough typing with touchscreen.

Monday, July 5, 2021


WARNING - kinda gross.  I'm not the emobidment of holiness I should be.  My mind goes waaaay off the straight and narrow path onto some pretty dark and sometimes just downright obscence places and sometimes for too long a time.

The good news is I went SIX DAYS without indulging into them "gratifying the desires of my flesh" (I'm using "flesh" in a literal sense here, not the ambiguous manner of speaking that you might be prone to interpret that in if you find out "Well, the Greek word used actually means...")


I know, I know. Like "Seriously?  I haven't done that ____" in decades!!  You're just now at the SIX DAY mark?  Dude, you've been going to church for 10 years now and you're STILL  a pathetic sonofaflugga"

Ok, so I'm still growing.  LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS of room for improvement.  

But compared to before I acknowledged God --- every day --- AT LEAST 7 days a week (usually)
After I came to recognize God, I think maybe it went down to 6 days a week max.
After I got more burdened to be more proactive against this sinfulness, it was like 4 times a week.

Since I've been getting counseling from a young man whose more mature in the faith than I can expect to be,
---- it's been down to like 3 x a week.  The previous week that ended slightly over a week ago (today is a Monday), it was down to TWICE(!)

I did succumb to the temptation yesterday.  THAT I am by no means proud of or exclaiming.  The fact is I went SIX DAYS without doing so.
My aim is to make it AT LEAST 9.  Hopefully I can stretch it to 10 or 11.  YO!