Monday, July 5, 2021


WARNING - kinda gross.  I'm not the emobidment of holiness I should be.  My mind goes waaaay off the straight and narrow path onto some pretty dark and sometimes just downright obscence places and sometimes for too long a time.

The good news is I went SIX DAYS without indulging into them "gratifying the desires of my flesh" (I'm using "flesh" in a literal sense here, not the ambiguous manner of speaking that you might be prone to interpret that in if you find out "Well, the Greek word used actually means...")


I know, I know. Like "Seriously?  I haven't done that ____" in decades!!  You're just now at the SIX DAY mark?  Dude, you've been going to church for 10 years now and you're STILL  a pathetic sonofaflugga"

Ok, so I'm still growing.  LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS of room for improvement.  

But compared to before I acknowledged God --- every day --- AT LEAST 7 days a week (usually)
After I came to recognize God, I think maybe it went down to 6 days a week max.
After I got more burdened to be more proactive against this sinfulness, it was like 4 times a week.

Since I've been getting counseling from a young man whose more mature in the faith than I can expect to be,
---- it's been down to like 3 x a week.  The previous week that ended slightly over a week ago (today is a Monday), it was down to TWICE(!)

I did succumb to the temptation yesterday.  THAT I am by no means proud of or exclaiming.  The fact is I went SIX DAYS without doing so.
My aim is to make it AT LEAST 9.  Hopefully I can stretch it to 10 or 11.  YO!


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