Wednesday, June 15, 2022


 Going through Romans this week starting yesterday.  It really is a confusing composition.  Maybe more confusing to me because I'm so filthy.  I did manage to go Monday and Tuesday without engaging in immorality but slipped a couple hours ago.  I should be a lot more grievanced about the fact that I didn't keep it together on Sunday.  Today is no less important by the calander.  It's not important to me and it doesn't strike me as a day of particular consequence but who's to say what the ramifications are in my activities?  Maybe someone saw me through the window or for all I know maybe I have a digital stalker...  Maybe I'm being investigated for some suspicion of criminal activity and the detective was ill effected by my deeds.  If he's, whoever, if anyone, saw my deeds, as a non believer, I might have given them added fuel to dismiss Christianity and if a believer I may have thrown about undue temptations.  idk.  Not terribly likely anyone witnessed what I was doing although God certainly did and I should be grieved to tears by this but I'm just so dull.  :/

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