I stand before You wholly guilty and condemned. You are GOOD even if I perish. My future could be cut off from any and all semblance of pleasure and for no other reason except that You are GOOD and I am not. I don't agree with this but I acknowledge that my opinion is of negative value, regardless of what it is. The thoughts of a mere mortal are a continually and rapidly depreciating embankment. I feel the same is true with me. I have not been inclined against sin. My desire for your happiness is negligible. My humility is slightly less so. For you have loved my sister and hated me. It doesn't matter why. Or how much or little I ask. I can only hope that if I keep asking I'll receive at least something other than eternal and optimum suffering. I don't reap any kind of heavenly crown. I feel like a fraud just thinking about being given one.
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