Monday, March 6, 2023


Managed to blow over $150 this month.  How ever does he do it?  And I didn't even donate anything to charity.  Am I happier now?  Eh....not...........really?  maybe?  I honestly don't even know what the answer to that question is......I suppose the real question is AM I $150 worth of happy-er now?  The answer to that is.............I don't think.....probably..not....maybe....I strongly doubt it.

For the time being, now that I have no money to steal from God, I'm....uh...kinda, determined to tithe a tithe and maybe give a little bit of an offering once I finally get money, but.......I mean, yeah.................Will I actually do what I should once the time comes or will I bow into idolatry and friendship with the world?  I............don't know (?!)

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