(I wrote this midmorning. I added a random title at 3:07pm same day)
Ppl of the church I'm going to decided to gather around talking all cocky about the supposed differences between them and other Christians because of their interpretation of the "Sovereignty of God" / Calvinism described in Romans 9.
There might be some nuances of error or I could be entirely off base but the bottom line is man has the freedom to do what he wants but does not have the knowledge or wisdom to make the best decisions. God could come down and say "Hey! Stop going that way!", but He doesn't. People end up going too far too long and they end up blinded by sin. That blinding effect can be offset however. My mom has always tried to instill in me generosity and kindness. Neither of us practice either of those as well as we should but the affinity for looking out for others and such was part of my upbringing. My mom didn't know what she was accomplishing in doing that. But God knew, even before it was happening/had happened. God was able to reach me because of that. I can already hear people crying out "self righteousness!". Bull! What am I "taking credit" for? The work that other people have done? And I say people, plural, because someone in my mom's life instilled that in her before she gave birth to me. And so on.
God could have, instead of saying "If you don't obey God, other people are going to get the wrong idea and go to Hell", which He does say in 1 Peter. But in Romans 9, the emphasis is on God's omnipotence and the fact that The Holy Spirit seals believers with rock solid faith whereas other people are going to parish despite God's ability to save them. There is no injustice with God. God does not have to do everything conceivable to stop people from becoming evil. He could, but He doesn't want to. That is how I interpret Romans 9, because I'm not just looking at the paper and ignoring the world around me. The Bible doesn't encourage people to detach their faith from their everyday observations. Yes, our own bodies are at work against us. The culture is to varying degrees polluted. That's why The Bible gives clear instruction on how to live. If your body says "Go to her", you have God's word saying DON'T. If your friend says "come to the mosque", you know not to. Does that mean your ability to see the mountains and your desire for peace and comfort are also untrustworthy? Of course not! The Bible doesn't say anything about giraffs. Does that mean the devil put giraffs here?
Ugh. I'm probably not being very "nice" idk...
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