My last post was kind of odd to say the least...for one thing, it didn't make a whole lotta sense, at least not in relation to the post b4 it...I don't think I said what I meant to say, and at this exact time, I'm not even sure what it was I meant to say...
I noticed the word "argue" come up quite frequently in the last discussion me and my friend had. The weird thing is I wasn't trying to combat him in any way. True, I may be too technical minded, which could be a bad thing since I'm not all that smart (i.e.: knowledgable), but all I did was ask him a question, and tell him why I asked the question after he answered. The "Real" reason I was asking the question(s) perhaps makes the question(s) kind of always bothers me when people don't say what they mean, and it's almost equally annoying when people act like they don't know HOW to say what they mean. I don't expect Shakesperian language coming out of my IMs, but a definitive sentence would be a good start. But this dude thinks b/c it's IM that none of the rules of grammar apply at all...I, personally, think some of the "Rules" of grammar don't even need to exist, but there are some basics that I do admire and I try to abide by them regardless of what form I'm using to communicate. A mistake is one thing, but a complete unwillingness to comply is another.
But then again, what does that really mean anyway? Aren't most mistakes the result of lack of interest? I'm sure I sound like a hillbilly to some people, b/c I simply don't know (i.e.: haven't bothered to learn) the complete rules of grammar...most of the time I don't even bother to spellcheck, even when an electronic device is readily available at the touch of a button.
Which brings me to the real reason I feel somewhat guilty for the whole debaccle. I asked him what "description" he was reffering to, which is a somewhat unecessary question, although I was a bit curious b/c I said more than a description, it was a well-rounded description of my opinion and experience with the CD I was talking about. I suppose I knew what he meant, but the REAL question I should have asked to begin with was "did you like my description or the whole paragraph?", which pretty much makes the whole damn thing my fault.
I'm not even signed on to IM, b/c my internet is a crying shame (keeps disconnecting on me...) and I'm sure Chris is either at work or something...he says he doesn't carry grudges, but he keeps telling me off about a couple comments I made loooooong ago about punctuation, so I'm sure this debacle will live even longer in his mind...when he finally does come back to say "hi" or whatever, he'll probably still be a bit angry...sometimes I wish the past could change somehow, and sometimes I wish I were somebody smarter who doesn't do/say all these stupid things...
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