Friday, April 25, 2008

to never be sick...

Scientific research suggests that antibacterials and antibiotics are overused; germs and the like are becoming immune to them. Yet there seems to be more of it than ever. This isn't my idea, I learned this from my mother. She says it's "almost impossible" to find kitchen cleaner that doesn't have antibacterial ingredients in it, which is absurd 'cause if you just use hot water and regular soap, there's little to no danger of anything really bad happening. The exception to that, of course, would be a counter top where meat was/is prepared.

Does nobody get what will happen when germs finally become immune to antibacterials completely? There's no substitute for those and I'm thinking there probably won't be any anytime at all soon. People have gotten so scared of germs that only cause a little bit of a cold that spreads for about a month and then goes away. If people could call in sick to work without getting fired, maybe something good might happen, such as mankind working together to keep another bubonic plauge coming our way.

Of course, people argue that the cause of the bubonic plauges was unclenliness. Well, I'm not against being clean. I'm against trying to wipe out every single germ that people come in contact when A) that is impossible and B) it will, in time make matters worse.

What a lot of people just don't get is that "medium" (aka "happy medium") is usually the best way. If you observe science, you'll see that is usually the way things naturally occur anyway...there's a scale for everything, and at each side of the scale, you pretty much have the same result. It is only the middle of the scale where you see a significant difference.

Of course, even in social life/lives, medium is usually best as well. It's called a "compromise"; it's also called democracy if it's done in the White House (i.e.: Congress will not agree on a bill that will, as an example, destroy the baseball card collection of any and all German-Americans, b/c even though German-Americans might be a somewhat small group of people, they still have the power to vote and most likely a politician they can identity with will arise and even though that politican will most likely lose, it'll take away votes that COULD be going toward one of the other candidates who may - or may not - need those votes.).

I can understand not wanting to miss a day of work for the sake of a few hundred dollars, or even $50, depending on the standard of living one has, but for people to think they can destroy all germs is totally egotistical; nature has the final say in all. Even if you disregard religion, and just look at the facts...mankind does not rule the Earth. Hurricanes and droughts and such and such have happened time and time again and will continue to happen. Death will strike at any given time, regardless of date or time, and your remains will become the food for worms. We need not be so distracted by finanaces and war(s) and then forget about the future of mankind.

feel free to write your local congressmen if you feel the way that I do.

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