Tuesday, April 6, 2010

be bitter if you insist, but these are the facts...

I was trying to think up reasons for owning the six albums/CDs on my list of MUST-HAVE music, and the simplist reason I could think of for owning Hootie & The Blowfish's CRACKED REAR VIEW was "it reminds me of Bill Clinton".  And the first thing that came out of this hypothetical intruder's "mouth" was: "what's so great about Bill Clinton?".
  First thing's first: politicians lie - they promise the world and then they don't do squat.  That's how Ronald Reagan won, and that's how Barack Obama won.  But that's just the beginning; A LOT of politicians have a big long dirty laundry list.  People can go online and look up any given list, but most people refuse to do so.  Most people are nieve enough to think such a thing isn't even an issue.

But here's the thing I like about "Bill Clinton": there IS no Bill Clinton - the guy who was seen on television and in court and on MTV etc....he did and said nothing to win the election; the guy openly admitted he was a total joke and had no business doing something serious like politics.  Those, of course, weren't his words, but you get the idea...of course he HAD to say SOMETHING, but nothing that came out of his mouth had any weight to it.
  When it comes to "getting stuff done" (which never happens anyway), Bill Clinton had nothing to offer.  HOWEVER, for those who don't hold their fear of gay people close to their heart and aren't completely stripped of their good nature, Bill Clinton was a symbol - he was a symbol of freedom, happiness, and living life carefree and to the fullest.  Did he enable or extend the everyday person's ability to actually DO any of those things?  Not really.  But people saw his picture or heard the name, and that's what rung in people's minds.
  Given that fact, I think Hootie & The Blowfish's CRACKED REAR VIEW was perfect for the time and stands as a reminder of the days prior to 9/11, when it became all too obvious how fragile all our lives really are...

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