Sunday, April 11, 2010

if u seek backup...

i'm down to two CD albums:
VARIOUS - 90'S RADIO (2009, Rhino)

I do however, maybe 15 albums on DATA disc.  If I were a normal human type, I wouldn't have much an excuse for breakin' the law like that (law says if you burn a CD that you buy you're not supposed to get rid of the CD or the CD-R...), but, you see, with me, I've been in this stupid cycle of buying a CD, selling it and buying it again, selling it again, then re-buying it AGAIN!  There's VERY few respected-by-me CDs that I haven't re-bought at least 3+++ times.  In a lot of instances the number is twice or thrice that amount.
  So what should I be spending my money on anyway?? is bad except for the basic 3xmeal, maybe a snack or two wouldn't hurt but the meals better be darn healthy and small!  Neither of those trats apply to the majority of what I eat, mealwise or non.  and then there's music...which I don't value enough to keep.  I mean, there's emusic, that's $13 right, I guess a latte every other day or so wouldn't be so bad, if I could keep my teeth out of all the other, more junkier foods...
  I guess books aren't such a bad thing to buy, even if I have no "real" intention of actually READING them...I bought a book titled CRASH by J.G. Ballard - for the second time (counting?) - a couple months ago, and sold it 'cause...I don't even remember why.  I guess it was a combination of not feeling comfortable reading that instead of the stack of books I'd then-recently checked out from the library, and...ihhhhhhhh...I'm just not an avid reader - I hate sitting down and reading stuff that has no bearing on anything.  So many books are supposedly so "deep" and "insightful", yet few of them provide any real profound moments.  I got 50 pages through THE FOUNTAINHEAD by Ayn Rand, and felt intrigued by it, but like help I'm gonna read 700+ pages of that thing!  I guess it may be worth it, but it seems rather ludacrous that a book about architects and architeture could plausably provide a meaningful presentation of the threat of fascism...I guess it could, in a rather THE DARK KNIGHT-esque kind of way...uuuuuuuhhhhhhggh...i get so sick and TIRED thinking about this crud.  i'm tired half the time as it is, i don't know what to do about any of this...but action isn't my cup of tea anyway, so, really, it's more like "I don't know what to buy" that woud make me feel better...I guess I'm dying...well, not likely, but, ya know...psychiatrists etc. don't seem to know what's wrong with me, so I guess there could be any # of things wrong with me that haven't even been detected.  They say everyone's DNA is different...
  but back to that other thought - about buying's not like it wouldn't represent who i really am, to any onlookers, people passing by, if anyone(s) were so inclined to take a tour of my room...I mean, what does it say about a person who has half a dozen or more books that have never been read?  It says I'm culturaley aware, easily bored, aimless...basically everthing about me, good and bad.

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