Monday, August 16, 2010

my annaul "nowhere fast" test...

"The poor and the greedy are selfish and needy" - The Smiths

Ok, so I'm being served by a program that the local council for looneys center offers that helps people deal with things they need help with. It's called the CRPC program. The semi-head-hauncho evaulated me for what was supposedly required once a year, to determine where I've been and where I'm headed (i.e.: "nowhere fast". lol...?).

So I killed 3 hours with my CRPC case worker, one hour (apprx) with the evaluation, another waiting for her to get done with a seperate appt, and another half hour or so going to and from Starbucks to get a deluxe hot chocolate thingy (yum!).

No mail today - NONE! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! Well, whatever. NetFlix should have my mother's movie FIVE MINUTES IN HEAVEN in our mailbox, And Complete Savings ought to have $10 in our mailbox...but no. Yes, it's true. THIS F**** SUX!!

If I save up $14 each month from Sept through December, I should have enough to get the 4-pk of GHOSTBUSTERS II action figures that will be exclusive to Toys 'R' Us in December. I sure as hell hope my local TRU will carry them and that they don't run out of stock permanently before I find out about it...I'll probably start calling them late November to get a feel for what kind of customer service (or lack thereof) the local TRU staff is inclined to dole out, and then if the customer service seems sub-par, I'll probably have to stop by at least once a week (if not every day...).

And then the real goodie is in January, in the form of a GB2 6" Winston Zeddmore w/ SLIME BLOWER!!!!!!!!!!! Kenner never made their GB (RGB) toys w/ a Slime Blower, although they did release a role playing toy that was designed to look like a Slime Blower, although they didn't call it that (darned if I know why...) - they called it the Ecto Charger, I think...

I keep thinking about the Slimed Hero Real Ghostbusters (Kenner) toys that were made around 1990 or 1991. I remember seeing the ads for those on TV and being like "WHAT THE HOLY FRELL!!! THEY'RE BACK!!!" The proton pack was my ALL TIME FAVORITE RGB action figure accessory. The ones they needlessly toiled with and created were OK, but the proton pack was like 1/3 of the GHOSTBUSTERS awesomeness (the other 1/3 being The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and the cast...of course, the cast wasn't in the cartoon, which is what the toys were based on at that time...neither was the Ecto 1A, and you just couldn't expect GHOSTBUSTERS I & II quality sound effects to be integrated with your everyday kid's toy/action figures...). But was like 1986/1987 all over again(!). What's weird though is how everyone complains about the mold being the same for just about all the main heroes...if people really minded that, Kenner really should have did a little tweaking when they took the liberty of adding a GB-logo patch to the hereo figures while they deleted the GB-logo "patch" from their arm. I never really cared about the toy mold, the paint jobs were always the most important aspect to me...but that raised "patch" on their chest area always interested me. For the 1986-1988 figures, the patch was always on their arm and it was always just painted on there (in great detail, too!!). But with the Slimed Hereos, the patch wasn't as detailed but it stuck up from the uniform, like a coin or a novelty belt buckle or was neat, IMO.
Speaking of bringing back a great thing, Mattel really screwed up the RGB reissues, making them MEGO style, looking nothing like the original RGB figures or any other RGB toy ever made...I mean, sure, people that witnessed STAR WARS/EMPIRE/JEDI toys might have had their hand at RGB playtimes, but RGB toy owners did not necessarily sit through STAR WARS (1977), or even RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983) in theaters. In fact, it's highly unlikely most of them did. I mean, when RGB toys were being made, where the hell was MEGO style toy making?? It's really rotten to assume that all GB toy owners were 8-12 years old at the time of ownership beginning. REALLY rotten. Hopefully they'll scrap this b.s. and do another line that's actually WORTH the money invested...MattyCollector is charging $20 + S&H for the Pete Venkman MEGO figure. WTF???? IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!

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