Friday, August 13, 2010


finally got some food other than cream of wheat and soup...primarily pancake mix, also got some (fat free) Fig Newtons (Na-biiisskoh!!). I haven't eaten either though. I guess my mom made a bit more extra money off a recent sale on Amazon than I initially thought, 'cause she treated both me and herself to Arby's (over $15 total), so I ate that (my portion, I mean...), and she also bought some muffins, a few of which I ate, and I also had a king size Snickers bar and a hot dog thingy (still don't know what 'kind' it was...tasted good, but not like any hot dog I've ever had; the inside looked like chicken but it didn't taste quite that way...)...

so I guess you could say I've eaten everything BUT pancakes. And those muffins have a lot more fat in them than I realized - 60 grams total if you eat one blueberry and one chocolate. A healthy person - which I am so not - shouldn't eat more than seventy-some-odd calories a day, so I've clearly blown any chance of claiming righteouslness as of today...maybe tomorrow I'll do better.

was thinking tho; I owe my Mom like $70, but once I get her that paid, I might try to do the diet she is doing (she's having a hard time sticking to it lately, not sure why exactly, but anyway...) and maybe a few months or so later I can try the pancake diet...I mean, 1.5-5 grams of fat per meal isn't bad, but it's not helping me lose weight. Especially when I eat out like once a week or thereabouts...I may not be gaining any weight, but I certainly haven't noticed the pounds coming off.

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