Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Day 5 of my new living arrangements

 Hmm.  I'm kinda getting in the swing of things.
Haven't been on my best behavior.  Been rather unwise in regards to sexual purity.  I seriously need to get a grip on myself.  RRrrr.  It just seems so impractical.  Jesus spoke His words when people had wives just handed to them.  Nobody had even the slightest excuse to forgo marriage and just philander.  I don't view myself as the kind of person who can serve as a husband.  I don't say the right things.  I don't do the right things, even when it's possible for me to do them, which is not often.  People keep trying to tell me that it's stupid to not have a job and to not drive.  I agree.  But that's how it is.  I realize psychology as a study tends to be interspersed with philosophy, but if you go about it as a science, there's nothing un-Biblical about it.  Granted, some psychologists tend to spend more time dwelling on certain specifics elements and sometimes a full understanding of psychology can get muddled by these super - psychologists who take it upon themselves to write a book.
People assume that God created everyone with the same ability to carry out His word.  The Bible acknowledges hunchbacks and people with speech impediments and even says they are not to perform the sacred duties of His temple.
The root truth of The Bible hasn't changed.  Mankind is evil and God wants us to be in closer proximity to Him than we are because our proximity to Him is presently stunted by our sinful nature.  Jesus makes a way for that to happen.
I'm not saying that God will allow me to draw close despite my impurity just because I have more obstacles before me.  I'm not boasting about my obstacles or rejoicing in them.  I just hope that He can take into account how difficult this whole thing is on the Day Of Judgement.

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