Monday, April 5, 2021

"No right to judge God"

 An acquaintance of mine brought forth that notion.
"God is Good"  ---- THAT IS a judgement.  Yet people say it ALL THE TIME, as if they/we are entitled to have an opinion of God's goodness or lack thereof.  The potential issue is not a matter of judgement.  The potential issue is trust.  Maybe I haven't been tested enough to say this for certain, but I don't believe, as of today in my present set of circumstances, that I would find myself cursing God for any hardship I might possibly face.  I know sin is the real problem, although things like physical pain, that my mom deals with constantly, are something to hate as well, as is the loss of the "It It Will With My Soul" author's four children, and his wife's.  I don't believe I have any right to the comfortable life I have.  It is a blessing beyond measure that I have a good quality roof over my head and the freedom to eat 3 meals a day without resorting to theft.  Honestly, I should be homeless.  If I got what I deserved, and nothing more, that's how it is.
  Anyway.  I don't have much more to say on the matter.  Just something irking me I wanted to get out there, for the "whole world" to read.....because I have SUCH a huge following of readers xD

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