Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A communication barrier, perhaps...

I think it's sad that so many people are clueless as to The Bible's significance. It's God Himself speaking to us from Heaven. People think they've discredited it by saying "There were other religions before it" and citing all of the similarities between them and Judaism/Christianity. Name one of them that is based on words claiming to be from He who created the world and everything in and beyond it.

Many however are simply lost. The Christianese doesn't make sense to them and many people trying to sour others to believe don't seem to have any sense of understanding of the fact that if you haven't read The Bible and weren't raised in church then there's simply a great deal of anecdotal stories like what largely makes up The Old Testament and some of the New Testament. Genesis isn't meant to be a historical textbook. It does have historical facts in it but that's not the point. History is meaningless without your heart being in the right place. Otherwise people would be reading Church History 101 alongside The Bible like it's just a couple medium sized notches less important. Theology is also meaningless. Theories are just that - theories. If you've gained some insight into God's ways from reading The Bible and understanding it in some powerful way, then great!! That does not need to be preached. It does not need to be explained or talked about to people like it's a sin to disagree with it. What The Bible literally * says *, clear as day without any room for interpretation that's what needs to be focused on. People who go to a church without the cross placed in the center of the building or have church service with dramatic or musical productions are not needing to change churches. They need to be encouraged to stay in His word and bask in His goodness, all the more as much as they can.

I don't know. I understand regular people who go to work and focus on a series of small tasks can be distracted and unable to think clearly enough to present the gospel in an unmuddled succinct manner and not be snipey with people who aren't quick to understand the explanations given. However I've read a handful of highly recommended books and listened to pastors that people rave on about who can't seem to do that and...on one hand, I'm certainly not one to judge. Simply doing research for one sermon, let alone an entire book is more intensive than anything I've ever done and I should be more at peace with these matters and just accept whatever happens for none of us deserve to be saved. The fact that God's word landed on good soil and trickled down through time and space to reach my mom and then eventually me, and countless others, should be satisfactory, and more.

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