Monday, April 3, 2023

Sense and senselessness

 Romans 6 "You were reaping shame and death by the sins you committed.  Now quit and serve your Lord, Jesus!"

I don't fully understand this bit of scripture.  I guess my heart is not as invested in Jesus as it should be.  I succumbed to sinful carousing this afternoon and I'm already feeling the effects of it.  I read Romans 6 and it just doesn't have the same beautiful ring it did yesterday.  I wish I could &/or would exercise some common sense!!  If nothing else, this chapter faces me with the knowledge that I have been a very poor servant of God, and if Christ hadn't died the horrible death He did, I'd be not only unable to be offered such a position but *if** I were able to apply for the job under such an alternate set of circumstances, I would have been disqualified from it.  Not today, per se, disqualification would have happened years ago.  My emphatic redundant mutterings of "Thank You, Jesus!!!!" ring hollow.  I should be wailing with sorrow.  I am not breathless and knocked out by the beauty and sorrow of "Good Friday", as one of the associate pastors reminded me this past Sunday.  :/

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