Friday, July 21, 2023


 Chapter 2 QA3)

In what ways do I need to be refined...

Obviously, there's the immorality I'm entangled in, and covetousness, etc.  There's probably a hefty dose of arrogance I could do without, and I could also stand to be less embittered by the bitter parts of my life, I'm not as forgiving as I should be.
I'm not sure how far I'm going to get being the kind of person who has no inward response to Isiah chapter 6.  All  I see in that passage is that God is unapproachable.  I don't understand how that in and of itself would even be valuable.  I can see how it would cause a person to disregard any qualms they have about God's decrees etc., but even that's a moot point, because God IS GOOD!  He's not just good because He says He is and everyone else is wrong.  We were not made to be banished from Eden.  We were made to be in communion with God.  It's not God's stuckupedness that is the problem we face in getting close to Him.  It's OUR *sin*  Maybe I'm off the mark here, to some degree or another.  I don't know what to think.

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