Sunday, July 30, 2023

There is no 1, there is only 2

I can't imagine how this would NOT be confusing to people.  There IS NO Kung Fury.  So why is there a "2" beside the title??  Doubtless people are going to either figure they're not interested or else they'd have already seen "the first one" (which they'd haven't because they'd never heard of it, not because it was so not worth their attention but because IT NEVER EXISTED!!) or they're going to hold off on seeing it until they catch up by watching the original (again...they can't do this, not because "it must not be that important otherwise I'd have done it by now" but because it **does not exist**!)

I think the under 45 crowd probably is, for the most part, savvy enough to look this nonsense up on the internet and figure out the absurdity of this and accept it.  People over the age of 50... it's a little iffy.  And most of your JCVD knuckleheads are not young pups or anything.


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