Monday, July 1, 2024

"my heart is steadfast"

 I like Michael W. Smith's WORSHIP album.  It's very beautiful and celebratory feeling, while also being reverent and dependent.
The opening snippet from the Psalms always had been a sticking point.  "My heart is steadfast"  If anybody's heart is not steadfast, it's mine.  I got to thinking tho -- a baseline.  I think it's more or less normal for people to have spiritual highs and lows, but what's the least amount of faith I've demonstrated since I was given God's salvation?  Not nearly as much as I need to always want to listen to MWS WORSHIP album.  Sometimes I just don't want to read The Bible and I altooften find myself feeling downcast over (what I perceive to be) God's dealings with man.  Regarding that, I think the book of Job, as much information as it gives us about the heavenly realm, God still does not, in that or any other writing, tell man why He has The Devil roaming through the earth.  And He didn't tell Job why He caused Job's suffering.  My pastor posits that the explanation for God allowing Job to go through that suffering is that "He wouldn't have had that encounter with God if it hadn't been for that."  That explanation is difficult to grasp.  At first it makes not a lick of sense...I can see it maybe making sense tho.  Jesus did say something to the effect "I came to save people who need saving, not people who are already perfect."  Of course, nobody's perfect, but there are people who got a good handle on sin, they're worshipping God with a fair amount of zeal, no major blemishes in their lives.  So...I guess you could say God gave Job a problem so He could fix it and have a logical reason to come down to give Job a hug, so to speak.  I mean, you don't normally hug someone who is already happy, unless you're greeting them, but even then, why would you greet someone and be that happy to see them if you're already good and content with whatever you're doing?  I'm sure there's a way to pick all that apart and tear it up too...I'm not good with relationships in general, so I'm certainly not an authority on any of that anyway, and even if I was, there's so much between the marrow, so to speak, we just don't understand enough about ourselves to really even begin to rightly understand God's dealings with us.  He, however, does know. " "Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows."

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