Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 I was thinking about Romans ch1 just now. I thought it was interesting, Pastor once said your morality effects your theology. Romans ch1 seems to support that and it also supports the reverse idea. It talks about people suppressing the truth in unrighteousness which I'm pretty sure is when you refuse to come to the light for fear of having the muck of the heart exposed and it goes on to talk about people in that state being handed over to greater and greater sinfulness. I do believe that's a large reason why I have the perverted mind that I have, because I spent SO MUCH of my life, including my early childhood, just completely oblivious to God and then when I found out a little about God during my teen years, I had continually rejected Him and even after my own family turned to Christ, I instead of submitting to what was being presented to me even more strongly rejected it. I eventually humbled myself just enough, after wearing myself down trying to resist the truth, to concede that I might be the one who is wrong, especially if the God of The Holy Bible *does* in fact exist... it's a bit of a pickle to be in trying to make a case for God being at fault when your very life depends on Him being for you or against you.

But anyway... I think a small amount of what Jesus said to one of The Apostles is true of me and while writing this it occurs to me how much it is not as true of me as I'd like it to be. "Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!".

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