It's late coming, but fall has hit. It's my first autumn in Georgia. It's gorgeous. I was thinking I might get rid of my American Football CD b/c fall wasn't coming. For some reason those first few days of fall make that CD resonate more. So needless to say I'm happy. Like usual, I keep thinking I need to be doing something God-oriented b/c there's so much need and deprivation, both domestically/internally and foreign/outward. Just something I live with, right or wrong.
I was blown away to find out the aforementioned band American Football are **finally** after 17 years following up their debut. The description on Amazon states that the CD came out with little recognition, the band did 12 live shows in support of it and then said "forget it". By now however the album has managed to sell 100,000 copies give or take. If it were not for the now defunct Yahoo! Launchcast, I would probably still not know who they were/are. i listened to a couple preview tracks on Spotify and was pleased. It's not "the same", duh, but it's as good as you can expect. The one of a kind awe-sum-ness of their debut is exactly that --- one of a kind. The band didn't choose to create it. The band simply chose to not to refuse to record it. Granted, some of its awesomeness stems from the production, which is part of the actual creation...I don't know if the band produced it themselves, but regardless -- production techniques alone don't make an album what it is. The production is usually meant to emphasise certain points in an album, not create them entirely.
Ok, so...I've been attending a men's only Bible study on Monday nights. I've been lavished with appreciation for my thoughts/comments. I guess the apprx.10-person give and take of thought and scripture has made me less antsy to post my musings on here. I don't know. Maybe I'm just lazy as of late. How long has it been? Ugh.
I seriously have no idea what else to talk about. That's about the extent of the past 2 months. That and my usual trying to spend money for the sake of itself and then feeling like an idiot, over-spending, using my CC and feeling even more like an idiot and then feeling guilty. My sister bought me cat food last month (for my cat, not myself, even though my cat is *my* companion, which is why I say my sister bought *me* cat food), b/c I took the money I'd been setting aside and blew it on I don't even remember what. Pizza maybe? Gosh, that was insane. And then I bought more movies(Blu ray discs) at Fingerhut. I did also buy a Roku (Roku3), and I've been happy w/ it. It's more stable than my Blu ray player, except it doesn't play discs of any kind, obviously...(y'all know what a Roku is??!!!). So, like the rest of my Fingerhut debt, some of it's a total waste and some of it was somewhat logical and all of it was severely inflated before any interest was added (and more is to come).
Alright. xx