Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How I plan to survive the Republican apocalypse

I can't believe with all the money government wastes, the Republicans seem to want to cut SSI and medicaid first.  As far as my personal budget/situation goes, if Republicans cut $50/mo per recipient, it would be hard to swallow, but not impossible.  I live in a fairly nice neighborhood, which is nice considering I used to live in a ghetto.  It wouldn't be a big deal living in the ghetto once again.  The problem would be paying a deposit and finding a land lord that would let me have my two cats and knowing that my two cats will have to get used to living in a small space once again, not to mention the transition would be always, I going to a new school is for most people...heck, I'd get nightmares about getting lost in the same high school that I'd been going to for the previous two years for several days during the month before the new school year started.

it would be rather difficult maintaining the apartment.  Heck, I haven't swept the basement/downstairs in over two weeks...and I haven't scooped the litter box this week, and I don't THINK any of the cats have gone elsewhere to do their business, but if I lived in an apartment, they would certainly at least dare; not only is an apartment (a regular/small one) less kind to a cat's wild instincts, but the smell from their litter box carries more.  Of course, I would take the trash out more often, try to keep the kitchen area clean(er), and try not to let the place rot like my old apartment almost did before my Mom and Sister stepped in and almost reversed the process.


Recently found out my sister is living in near poverty.  If she didn't have a car, I'd consider doing a fundraiser, lol...hopefully I can gather up a good $40 to send her for Christmas.  I would try to equal that for my mom, but she doesn't need it and I can get her something other than money, which I could tell her is a $40 value, which may be true, more or less...I mean, my Grandpa sent two $100 gift cards in the mail and a $70 Sony Walkman MP3 player.  How much do you want to bet he paid the same amount for the MP3 player that he did for each gift card?  You see, it all depends on where you buy X item...not to mention WHEN.  I mean, if I only spend $15 on Mom's Xmas gift and the item goes on clearance for $2, does that mean Mom's gift was only worth $2?  Yeah, I think I made my point...

Let me see if I can keep from segueing with "anyway" again...


(not much better is it?)


What was I gonna say?  Heck, I don't even know if I was going to say anything else...still can't think of anything,......going, going, alright, that's it.


Monday, September 5, 2011

don't leave home w/o it

Or shall I say "don't leave WalMart without groceries and wait 'til you get home to realize you've done it".  But that's not really an order that needs to given, b/c after all, who'd do anything contrary to that?  Well, I would.  I have.  I hope I don't do it again...

Yep.  It was about $10 worth of stuff (a large sum of $ for a person in my circumstances).

You see, yesterday was the day I ponied up my dough and went grocery shopping pre-12th.  Just needed a few things - bread, coffee, and, um,...Oh yeah, cocoa; baking cocoa with sucrolose (sp?) mixed with hot milk can = hot chocolate!  And it's virtually fat and sugar free!

I also bought some boneless BBQ wings.  Shouldn't have done that.

I forgot to take my cholesterol medicine at least half of the previous week.  I took it on Saturday though and immediately proceeded to fill my pillbox and took them on Sunday too.  I'm supposed to take it before I go to sleep, so I haven't taken it today yet.

The weather here's been phenominal(sp??).  It's like a zombie film w/o the zombies...whut the...?  Anyway...

Um...gosh this is a boring post.  OH!  I wrote a WHOLE PAGE of one of my scripts.  It's been quite some time, quantity of which would be risky to even guestimate, since I toiled at screenwriting.  My problem has always been I can't make 'em long enough w/o making them boring.  AAAH!

Peace out