Tuesday, December 19, 2017

something less trivial

Forgot to take my meds yesterday and the day b4.
Finally took them today.  My head is swirling with out of balancenesss; it feels like a chore to try to remember the fact that I deed indeed take them today.
I thought today was Wednesday up until about an hour or so ago, because my sister didn't have her Bible Study Fellowship meeting that night, so I had in my mind that it was Tuesday.  TODAY is Tuesday.  Hooray.  By Thursday my brain will probably be back in line and I'll still have a day and a half left before I have to wake up and make a 9-11 hour trek from Gwinnett County in Georgia to Cape Girardeau County in Missouri.  Then I have to make another 10(?) hour trek back after 3.5 days of who knows what.  Christmas isn't until Monday, and we'll be leaving Tuesday.  I guess I'll be squished in the backseat of my sister's car the bulk of that time.  That damn thing is cramped with that giant car seat in there(!!).  I really don't want to NOT show up.  It's a stretch to say I'll be miserable the whole time, especially since I have no idea what I'll be doing or not doing the entire time.  I don't even know where I'll be sleeping.  I'm assuming I'll be cut off from the internet the entire time.  But will I?  How would I know?  I'm not walking from my grandma's house to the library.  And is there really any reason I need to use the internet EVERY day?  Not likely.

So anyway............................................

And I told the Cape Community Church of God that I'll be back to visit.  This will be the third Christmas in a row that that didn't happen.  I don't intend to make that a reality.  The pastor there is resigning to relocate closer to his parents, one of whom's health is failing.  It doesn't even effect me really, but I feel like I miss him already...vicariously perhaps, through people I haven't really spoken to in quite some time with the possible exception of a couple snippets on Facebook.

And my gramma *is* old.  She's not in the best of health, and no matter her health, she isn't going to live forever.  I don't want to emulate the lyrics of Right Said Fred's one and only hit single, but I don't want to deprive my gramma of my presence up until she's in hospice or whatever.  I don't know what she likes about my presence, but that's for her to know and me to NVM.

Ok, then.......
sheet!  Also got mucus running rings around my efen head and my breathing is effed as well.
At least I'm not dead.
I haven't read The Bible (part of/any part of) in at least close to a week.  I can see it too.
Need to get to that today and keep at it.

I did take a 25 minute walk today.  I lost 150 calories just from the walk.  I downloaded this step counter app for my cheapass smartphone (it works!) and its been counting lost calories even when I'm not doing anything with my feet OR the phone.  In the span of an hour, I had burned 50? calories.  I'd have to look again, that might be way off.  But the amount of calories I burned while walking was like 4x that much.  So my rather big breakfast was a little less big than it would have been otherwise.  I have a separate app for my food intake.  I ate a little more than a serving of Marie Calander's Chocolate Satin pie, but there's no option to tell the app that I only ate 1.5 servings.  And I don't think I even ate quite that much, but then you consider coffee w/ creamer & sugar and then maybe a glass of hot chocolate or whatever....it's not too terribly off the mark to say I consumed 1100 calories.  My lunch will probably be a little big, maybe 600 calories.  I ate a buttload of chicken nuggets yesterday, had been craving them for awhile and thinking it's rather idiotic that I hadn't been buying them with more regularity, but I finally got some.  And I ate most of them, or at least over half of them.  I think I might only have 4 servings left.  If i have a whole whopping 4 servings, I'll either eat all 4 or throw 1 serving away.  If I choose the former, I'll consume almost 800 calories, which is almost all of my day's intake.  I might be able and semi-willing to restrain myself and just have some grape nuts or whatever.  idk.
Sooo....I don't know what other anticdotes and updates I have to share.  I feel like it's time for bed and I"m already hungry again, darnit!!  Need to stop typing.  I may have already said something wrong.  ugh.


Got my European GHOSTBUSTERS shirt stylin me.  xD

Some guy on some GB fan forum that I don't remember the name of tried claiming that because THE VERY FIRST U.S. ad-poster featured the European NO sign *with* the no -ghost logo, the backward (English) no-ghost insignia was indeed not incorrect.
That would have been SO easy to debunk if I knew where to argue with this moron.  I have no idea why it took me this long to come up with this very sound logical presentation.
GHOSTBUSTERS was under a mammoth deadline and was made for the cost of a Hollywood meal for a party of 4.  Michael C. Gross and his team came up with 100 or so different illustrations trying to come up with a logo that would successfully embody the movie and the idea of "ghost busting".
It is a downright miracle that the movie came together as well as it did.  This one guy on YouTube who points out movie bloopers managed to spot at least close to a dozen bonafide bloopers on top of what he considers to be plot holes (as if the movie itself wasn't one giant plot hole).  FOR INSTANCE --- the VERY FIRST U.S. theatrical video ad (known as a "teaser") featured a song that was neither in the movie nor on the original soundtrack album.  SAY WHAT?  You mean THE Ghostbusters theme song is a song NO ONE REMEMBERS EVER HAVING HEARD?????
HELL F****NG NO!  Everybody knows damn well without a second guess that RAY PARKER JR. wrote the song "GHOSTBUSTERS".  The only one who thinks otherwise is Huey Lewis.
Ray Parker Jr. says that whoever approached him about doing the theme song was bemoaning that they had 100 songs written for the movie and NONE of them said the word "ghostbusters".
That teaser-trailer song I just mentioned **DOES** contain the word "ghostbusters".  So you know what?  That means during the conversation that Ray Parker Jr. was citing, most likely, someone was composing an entirely different song that was even good enough to be included in the movie or the soundtrack, but met the criteria that whatsisface had mentioned.  If they were not working with such a strict deadline, they probably could have waited for Ray Parker Jr. to finish his song, and then include that in the teaser, but instead they included some song that is only audible on a laserdisc copy of the movie and maybe somewhere on the depths of YouTube.
Michael C. Gross and Columbia Pictures probably knew damn well that there was going to a resistance to the reversing of the slash in the middle of the circle that makes up the EUROPEAN NO SIGN ---- and I've said this before, but in case one forgets -- THE EUROPEAN NO SIGN is ***NOT*** the meat of the NO GHOST INSIGNIA.  The meat of the no ghost insignia is the ghost itself.  The fact is that audiences probably saw the backward NO GHOST LOGO and were like "what the hell is that?" and so Columbia Pictures quickly changed the poster before the movie was ready for distribution.  The British had to wait awhile to see the movie.  If a British citizen working for a British movie company had utilized the no-sign in the way that Michael C. Gross had, the Brits would have had no problem accepting the modification.  Instead, they had to modify the ad campaign and basically spoon feed the film to British audiences because that's what happens when you pit art with politics.  Nobody wins.

Friday, December 15, 2017

in your darkest time...

 "They say that love goes anywhere.
In your darkest time,
it's just enough to know it's there"

"Polaris" - Jimmy Eat World (2004, Interscope Records)

I created this playlist (link to Spotify, it's free w/ ads ---- a measily $10 w/o ads) after a CD-R I'd made.  The idea is these are songs that reflect a "wordly" attitude.  These, for better or worse, are songs I've recently been hooked on.  Now, these songs are almost all excruciatingly boring.  Best Coast's "In My Eyes" and Journey's "I'll Be Alright Without You" were sweet jollipin' jams of ear worminess, but I'm freakin' serious -- I just got done with "In My Eyes" while typing this sentence, and I'm almost sick to my stomach.
You can see a bit of a pattern in the song titles
"On Our Own" ---
"Good Time" --- Luke 12:18-21
"Everything Is Easy" --- Luke 12:18-21
"Rain Rain Rain" --- Nehemiah 8:11
"Losing Your Memory" --- Proverbs 8:36 "Those who fail to find me harm themselves..."
"Dead Man's Party" --- Proverbs 8:36 "...All who hate me love death"

Some of the songs are vague reminders of God's presence in the world and in myself
"The Power Of Love" by Huey Lewis & The News
"While You See A Chance" by Steve Winwood --- Just a feel-good slice of early-childhood nostalgia.  This can go either way as far as being interpreted as Godly or un-Godly.  On one hand you should have the faith of a small child, but on the other, you should put away your childish ways and march toward spiritual maturity (paraphrasing; can't find the exact verses @ BibleHub).

The CD-R/playlist closes with reminders of the pressure of living life in these ways.
"Ugly" by The Exies, a song about self-loathing and bitter dissatisfaction
"Back Of Your Head" by Balance And Composure --- "If time heals all why's there still distance?"
"If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead." - Luke 16:31

Bible quotes are provided from BibleHub.com using the NIV translation.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

close encounters of the chicken

"Sounds like a gay bar to me."
-- macho man, Paul

I have a weird memory...I swear, I ate two chicken sandwiches...no, seriously, that's not weird at all (it isn't!), but what IS weird, for me anyway, is I don't remember exactly when I ate them.  It's confusing as all get out, b/c I woke up around midnight and then went back to bed before 6am, and then woke back up around 7:30 or so.  I should have eaten around 6:45 if not later, I might've (probably had) been thinking that 5am was close enough to the 12 hour mark between diner and breakfast that nutritionists recommend, per what my mom has seen and/or heard/read...
I'm pretty sure that's what happened.  But then I woke up and I'd forgotten I did that.
So I downed 5 servings of egg nogg, roughly, (I actually lost count by the time I finished), and now I'm already a little under my 2,0000 calories.

I figure I very well may eat 700 more calories today even though I've already had lunch.  I'd been doing great the last 2 or 3 days.  So much so that despite having gone WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over 2k calories one day recently, my average daily intake is 2225 apprx, which is a little high......it could be a lot worse and often was a lot worse for a good while there, not sure exactly how long.  For at least a week there it seemed almost impossible to stay under 2000 calories even just w/o dinner.  It's really difficult to estimate peanut butter and jelly usage tho.  When I measure my p.b., I'm deliberately trying to NOT use a whole serving, unless I feel outright piggish and fix myself 3 sandwiches.  And jelly is even more difficult to gauge.  Especially those jammy jellies, like preserves for instance. 

As for eternal matters, I'm downright serious -- I don't know how much of my 1yr Bible I read last week.  I know I didn't read as consistently as I should have been, but I did read at least 5 entires --- 3 on Sunday and at 2 entries or more later in the week.  I don't know if I read 2 entries on one of the non-Sundays or if I read 2 entries on more than one of the non-Sundays.  It seems like I was still behind by the end of Saturday.

I've been sleeping an awful lot.
I was taking my anti-psychotics 6 out of 7 days of the week, roughly at the same time every day when I did take them.  I still have my alarm set to help me with the time issue.  My sister had some sound words to relay to me about the importance of taking my medication at the same time every day.  So I've been obeying my alarm.  I had an alarm set several months ago, but I kept ignoring it, so I deleted it.
This last week I missed two doses. that might have something to do with the compulsion to sleep more.  I'm sure it's largely due to the colder weather.  A lot of it, come to think of it, might have to do with the sugar intake as of late.  That egg nogg is loaded with the stuff (glurp!).

alrighty.  I guess that's it, more or less.  la-ter