Tuesday, August 30, 2011

monday, aug 29, The Conformist was sent back...

FINALLY returned THE CONFORMIST (1970) to NetFlix.  I kept it for like 5 days.  And I only saw about 7 minutes of it.  Total waste...but I think I might still have enough time to receive another movie before I cancel my membership...I would keep it, but I'm expecting to have to spend $35 minimum on groceries, and then there's the near mandatory Complete Savings cost - $7 - and that alone leaves me with $24 supposing I don't have to spend more money on groceries than I had thought...$24 - $9 = $15 which isn't much to work w/...I mean, I've got 5 movies from NetFlix this month and none of them were enjoyed by me.  The mailman actually came somewhat early too; well, he was "on time", but he could have been up to three hours later than he was considering Sunday all that incoming mail was just building up at the processing center...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Domino's Noid

Domino's Noid

"It didn't seem to have much to do with pizza, but in 1989 the campaign went even further when a video game based on the character was released. However, the Noid turned out to be not only strange but also incendiary: in January 1989, a mentally ill man named Kenneth Noid held up a Domino's in Georgia, claiming that the chain was personally attacking him. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and Domino's abandoned the creepy pizza-hating Noid shortly thereafter."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

coffee pot rises

got a replacement coffee pot, for $6 at WalMart.  If it breaks down in two months and the one year warranty doesn't pan out, it's still a fairly OK deal...

I'm eating bread again...not like I went that long w/o it...but...I was thinking I would stay away from it...don't think that's gonna work...

so...I ordered Cartel's CHROMA (the original Militia Records version) a few days ago.  It might arrive today, not sure why or if I care...I've owned that album, like, 5(?) times...at least three anyway...I guess I bought it 'cause i was thinking I loved it when I first heard it so it must be worth owning...which may or may not be true depending on what version of the future turns out to be THE future...as well as what ideology one were to go by...I'm starting to think owning albums I seldom listen to is a total waste of time/money...I should re-join eMusic...maybe not...I mean, I already bought most of the albums I like/love; once I do that what does it matter if I own it?  Sure it decreases the value if I don't keep it, but why does it even matter?  If CDs are truly on their way out, then MP3 downloads, which can't be legally redistributed, should take care of that issue, if it really is one.  Of course, it really comes down to the fact that people don't have enough money to have everything they want.  People can't accept that so they take instead of buy.  I'd say "FBI - fire away!" but I think the root of the problem is so widespread, it would be like Vietnam - a war one can't win.  I'm not immune to it, I've downloaded quite a bit in my time, although I got caught and was given a warning, so I don't do it anymore...it's just a matter of greed and selfishness.  Rich people of course don't have any price to pay for being greedy or selfish, but the middle class and poor have no choice but to either join a convent or commit a crime...or, ya know, try to rise above temptation in a world where everyone else is giving in without even questioning their actions...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"gotta problem with plumbing (gotta problem with plumbing...}"

I think I have two favorite songs - "Losing Your Memory" by Ryan Star and "Obscurity Knocks" by The Trashcan Sinatras.

Ok.  Well, coffee pot is broken.  The accompanying carafe is cracked and there might be some other (mechanical) problem...looks like me and/or Mom will need to buy a new one...thankfully we got FIVE Complete Savings checks a couple days ago in the mail...(that's $50 for those of you - whoever the heck you are - who aren't in the know...).

After budgeting how much food we'll need, I came to the conclusion that my mom must have been putting her neck out big time.  We've been going - I think - at least $30 over budget on food, maybe $50, although we have some misc. cash in the "household fund", I don't think we have THAT much, probably no more than $20...so that means my mom has been paying at least apprx $20 out of her own pocket to feed me and her (mostly me; she doesn't eat very much...).

So I'm gonna pay for the food in Sept.  I might do that again in October.  At some point hopefully we can split it evenly, or at least arrange it so I'm paying no more than 3/4 (maybe 2/3...I'd hope...) of the excess food budget.  Hopefully that'll happen sooner than later...but anyway...

I signed up to NetFlix for the first time in what feels like AGES on the 3rd of Sept.  By Friday I should have my FIFTH movie from them.  It'd be GREAT if I got a sixth one before the membership renews, but I'm not counting on it...well, maybe I am but I'm trying to be modest about it, idk...

I think it might make more sense to get computer speakers of a higher caliber, or hi-fi headphones rather than a receiver and speakers etc....I mean, how many CDs do I actually own?  Right now I have five, and I plan/hope to get maybe 2 or 3 more...there's some music items I think I might want to buy, but I doubt I'd keep them...most of the music I listen to is "indie" music, which isn't recorded with the kind of concern that "major" label music is.  So I'm not sure my listening gear needs to be so strict...I like how receivers and CD players look.  I don't know what it is, I guess I have fond memories of that kind of stuff...my father had a lot of high end audio gear.  He's been gone since I turned 7, I last saw him in person when I was like 12 or so...but I probably remember a bit more from my pre-K-garden days than most people do...I remember how impressed I was by seeing the CD tray open and hearing the creaking guitar sound of Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters" (my dad used to have the soundtrack).  It's been a LONG time since I felt that kind of deep excitement by hearing that sound.  Most of the time I barely notice it, except after the opening scene in GHOSTBUSTERS II, where I think they slightly modified it to have a bit more of a creepiness to it.  I swear, it sounded like a ghost was laughing in a really demonic way when Dana was picking up her baby and that white swoosh that pieced together to form the GB2 no-ghost insignia was appearing...of course, a lot of you (and by "you" I mean everybody in the planet in general, which I guess means "nobody") probably don't know what I'm talking about b/c you just saw it one time in theaters back in 1989 and don't even remember 20 minutes of the movie...which I guess is understandable.  GB2 probably isn't worth the number of viewings I gave it when I was younger and got older...it's got a hold of me though; the feelings it inspired in me have not been duplicated by any other film.  It had a unique combination of good intentions and a surreal kind of 2am-half-awake-why-is-everything-glowing kind of creepiness to it.  I remember being about 6 years old and watching that scene with the Statue Of Liberty walking through the ocean with only the crown sticking above water, and Bill Murray referenced some advertising icon from the time period that was used to sell vegetables (I don't think "The Jolly Green Giant" appears in the ads anymore, does he?) and the water was all lit up by the New York nightlife and New Year's festivities.  MAN life used to be intense!  That scene was especially cool when viewed in the dark.

Monday, August 22, 2011

dumpweed redux

There's this piece of Blink 182's "Dumpweed" (opening track from ENEMA OF THE STATE) that kinda sounds (IMO.?) like circus music sped up...it seems like someone at some point made a song that focuses mainly on that portion and did it with synths but I can't for the life of me remember/figure out what song that was or how to find it...maybe I dreamt it...sux b/c I don't know how to play the synthesizer (although if I tried I'd probably fair better at that than the guitar...) and I don't know anyone who does play synth...if I did, I could maybe relay my dreams and get them to come true...oh well...

Friday, August 19, 2011


This editor who writes articles for Fandago's website was bashing the UNDERWORLD franchise.  I swear, all the idiots crawled out from under their couches to rebuke his attitude.  Most of them just spewed out meaningless insults, but at least a couple tried to say something other than "you're mean; you hurt my feelings".  One guy tried to justify UNDERWORLD being a piece of garbage b/c he "doesn't need to be any smarter having watched it".  Actually, good movies don't make you smart.  It's just a stupid thing to watch bad movies b/c the definition of a "bad movie" is one that does not involve any use of brain cells whatsoever, either on the filmmakers' part or the part of the audience.  A bad movie can also fall under a myriad of other categories...Another guy, I think, was TRYING to say that the editor couldn't handle the imaginative aspect of the film.  That's ALSO b.s. b/c a smart person, or even someone who isn't that smart, is capable of imagining most of what happens in the UNDERWORLD films before seeing four+ sequels, and, maybe, before seeing the 1st one. 
If you "want to be entertained" and don't want to eat half baked popcorn, here's some examples of well crafted, well thought-out cinema that isn't "some drama":


Friday, August 12, 2011

the return of the miniature DVD player & throwing it all away...

Yeah, um...

I finally have a DVD player - again, for the Nth++(?HU?) time...man, I wish I'd kept that Denon 1940CI DVD etc. player...it was probably more than I needed, but something of that build quality isn't easy to come by...I guess maybe the $50 Sony player would be pretty close...neither are region free, so...I guess what I SHOULD HAVE done is used the $70 or so I got from the 1940CI was buy the Sony DVD player...now I have this cheapppp DVD player that doesn't even playback the first half second of most songs (it plays DVDS just fine so far...).

Today is the 12th day of ownership if you count Aug 1, the purchase date.

Sorry I've been silent all these years...thank you Tori Amos...

Spent 5 hours out and about total, plus 3 hours in between waiting for Mom to get out of the torture chamber...SHE'S been out for 8 hours today.  I stayed home while she was at Dr. Phibb's laboratory b/c misery may prefer company but mercy says no...(?)

Anyway; listening to Katy Perry's TEENAGE DREAM.  It's got good melody and sweet sounds, the lyrics are kinda retarded...so far the only weak song is "Peacock", which seems more of a novelty, rather tongue and cheek.

I rented YOUR HIGHNESS this morning.  I heard about it on what apparently was a rerun of ES.TV (not sure what that stands for...they interview celebrities about their current movies etc.).  They showed clips of it on ES.TV, looked pretty funny.  I should be shot for wasting money on it, I STILL haven't looked at the average verdict per the Amazon shoppers, hopefully I'll remember to do that when I finish this rambling...

Not sure what else was missed in the last however the heKK long it's been since I looked at this site...I hope to update more frequently....

OH!  I have 12 CDs!  And I don't actually own all the CDs I've bought...I had like 15 or so, would have more if I hadn't sold any of 'em, maybe 20...usually I think "GET THIS SH!T AWAY FROM ME!!!" and end up leaving myself with zilch, but this time I thought "why????".

I bought 6 DVDs at Big Lots the day I got a DVD player, returned two of 'em and tried to sell two of them, failed at one of those, so I still have that one, so I still have three out of four of the ones I paid for for good.

And keeping in step with my lifestyle, my DVD collection isn't as vast as my CD collection, since I don't watch movies very often.  I also have like 5 books, one of them I started reading quite some time ago and haven't resumed at all since I bought it...I don't like to ruin dust jackets, so I'm afraid to touch it...I keep thinking I should buy it in softcover and then donate that or sell it somewhere, but lately I'm just not interested in doing that...I snagged SHUTTER ISLAND by Dennis Lehane from my mom who received it from her friend.  I kinda look forward to seeing how much better it is than MYSTIC RIVER, which although entertaining was monumentally depressing, to the point it was almost laughable.  He makes EVERYTHING look grim and bleak.  That's not life.

Right now I'm writing this blog post, listening to TEENAGE DREAM and I NEED to watch YOUR HIGHNESS and would LIKE to read SHUTTER ISLAND.  Can't do all four!!!