Tuesday, August 30, 2011

monday, aug 29, The Conformist was sent back...

FINALLY returned THE CONFORMIST (1970) to NetFlix.  I kept it for like 5 days.  And I only saw about 7 minutes of it.  Total waste...but I think I might still have enough time to receive another movie before I cancel my membership...I would keep it, but I'm expecting to have to spend $35 minimum on groceries, and then there's the near mandatory Complete Savings cost - $7 - and that alone leaves me with $24 supposing I don't have to spend more money on groceries than I had thought...$24 - $9 = $15 which isn't much to work w/...I mean, I've got 5 movies from NetFlix this month and none of them were enjoyed by me.  The mailman actually came somewhat early too; well, he was "on time", but he could have been up to three hours later than he was considering Sunday all that incoming mail was just building up at the processing center...

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