Monday, March 21, 2011

it's Gregg Araki, everyone!

Ok, it's one thing to be the maker of a Top Quality movie - MYSTERIOUS SKIN - but it's an entirely other realm to be that AND the maker of the most celebrated film of a generation - nowhere.

MYSTERIOUS SKIN is just awesome.  There's absolutely no flaws in that film, it's a masterpiece, not some half-baked idea that gets 1/4 cooked...(unlike most movies these days...).

nowhere is possibly the greatest film ever. 

Personally, I'd be surprised of KABOOM comes anywhere near the quality of these two movies.  I mean, I wasn't too thrilled with THE DOOM GENERATION, TOTALLY F***ED UP was OK, not a classic or anything like that....  And THE LIVING END was about as good as TFU.

But still;  it's nice to know he's at least trying.  The odds of him succeeding are better than most movie-makers...

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