Friday, December 7, 2012

The language of the left...with feeling...

I think society has more leeches than it used to.  I think everybody has grown to expect way more than they ought to.  But the Republican idea that rich people should pay LESS taxes than people who teach our young, collect the garbage, keep tabs on the cash registers, keep the peace, serve our just plain rediculous. They act like it's "punishing" success to think the opposite and that is totally warped.  I think expecting everyone to either get rich or pay taxes is just savage.  What's really mind boggling is when people like Neil Bortz push the idea that the rich pay MORE in taxes than the poor & middle class.  Huh?  If only the tax code were that cut and dry.  "Oh, I make $250,000 each year, so I pay 25% of that to Uncle Sam?  Great! I'll just mail in the check"  Of course, everybody has deductions they either do or can qualify for.  But WalMart remodels their stores every 6 months or so, even though their customers are always cranky about having to re-locate everything.  Why do they do that?  Because even though it may cost a few hundred dollars x however many stores they remodel in a 12 month period, WalMart's 25% tax rate is dropped down to maybe 1%.  I'm probably exaggerating and I don't know if $250K = 25%, it may be 55% before these virtual handouts are factored into the equation.  But the fact that Neil Bortz doesn't even mention this in his radio show when he's ranting out the rich and how they DO pay their fare share is beyond poor journalism, although The Neil Bortz Show probably isn't technically journalism...I don't even know if most of the people that listen to his show take him seriously.  Anyone who isn't living the dream wouldn't help but want to punch him in the face for talking down to the little people, expecting them to believe the bull he says when they see he's wrong every sixth month they shop at Wal-Mart.
But it ceases to be stupid fun and annoying games when The Lies Of Neil become The Death Of Democracy  The American People voted for Barack Obama - TWICE!  The American People have been surveyed - NEVER have they supported the idea that the rich be rewarded by the gov't for being so awesome.  If you're going to insist that taxes are "legalized theft", then maybe we should just remove the gov't altogether, forget police protection, military service, forget welfare, forget the whole thing b/c without taxes, who the heck has the time, decency and intellect to operate The U.S. gov't without a paycheck?  Maybe 70 years ago, back when people had a better understanding of what it meant to have a community, and a family...and don't give me that b.s. logic that says racism and the violence that often resulted from it takes away from the love that people DID have.  The fact that divorce is so common, even among so-called "religious folk" ought to tell people SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT HERE!  Yeah, we have less racial violence; we've traded one evil for another.  Now we don't even know our neighbors a lot of the time.  What difference would it make if their black white chinese or mexican?  The closest one could come to knowing their neighbors is a casual "hi" every now and again.  Back in the 'day, people looked out for each other.  Some strange vehicle prowling by would likely draw attention and the sicko would be arrested or be on the run to another neighborhood or town, or maybe another state...
Man, I've gotten sooooo off topic, haven't I?  The MAIN point, of this article at least, is that the rich do not pay their fare share and I don't get why it needs to stay that way.  It may not be a "capitalist" concept, but neither is welfare.  So freakin' what?  Just b/c the Democrats, or at least Obama, have adopted most of the Republican ideology...why not throw in the towel and just make it a 0 party system?  B/c when you get right down to it, no two candidates are exactly alike and the current division between Republicans and Democrats is basically a matter of Ebinezer Scrooge BEFORE vs. AFTER the ghost of Christmas future visited him.

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