Friday, July 24, 2015

Gasp! No, really, I can't breath...

(update: SSI was mis-typed SSDI, just now noticed & has been corrected) (6:45 PM 7/25/15)


Unless congress can come to some kind of mostly logical agreement to fix the situation, SSI, often referred to as welfare or disability, will be no longer sometime in 2016.  If that happens, my lack of appearance at blogger will be much more frequent.

Other than that, I have not much to say....I managed to get a ride from my CPRC+(*f1) worker from my home to the gym thrice this week.  Usually it's twice if that.  so my muscles should be in good shape...provided I didn't tear anything, which I may have...they're pretty worn feeling, kinda sore...

I need to get the courage to ask my sis to cancel the pre-order of CHVRCHES upcoming album EVERY OPEN EYE (Sept 25).  I don't need her wasting money on my behalf.  She's bought me a computer, and numerous other gifts over the course of time (most of them nowhere near as extravagant as a computer), and I therefore don't find fault with sending her $.

Not sure if it makes any difference though.  The antichrist is hypothesized to get rid of paper money and use a barcode that he will implant in people, which is possibly what The Bible refers to when mentioning "The number of the beast".  Once that happens, it won't be long before I am literally a solder of Christ and money will hopefully not be a concern weighing on my head so heavily.  Ah....such a relaxing thought, despite the blood and gore that will cover the Earth during the course of the Final Battle.

So...I guess maybe I don't need courage...I just quit being so damn lazy and apathetic....eek!

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