"nothing is too hard for God"
The heck? God has more power than any existent thing, but he is not unlimited in his power. He is FAR exceeding in power than any mere mortal. But if he is limited in his power, then why is the arrival of Jesus not equal to universal salvation for EVERYBODY? New Testament speaks of "a sin that leads to death". Yet people exclaim with such certainty "YOUR salvation is secure!" If that's not just a bunch of b.s., then how does ANY sin lead to death? How do our actions account for anything in our eternal destiny? People make it sound like Jesus' sacrifice changed God's agenda. BULLSHIT! God is the same as he was at the beginning as he is today and will always be what he is and has always been. THE BIBLE actaully SAYS that. So how is it relevant that some people have salvation locked by the power of Heaven because of ancestral promise or some grand scheme that God knows far more about than any of us can even speculate without sounding pathetic? God has the final say in our Salvation. The fact that he is Just and Kind and doesn't nitpick about what we did right or how right we were in doing it is God's. We don't own it and can't "claim" it. We can claim the Crown of Victory after this whole battlefield is behind us, but WE ARE NOT done with our striving. The Bible speaks of "completion" of salvation. How is salvation not complete before we're born? Because OUR SALVATION IS NOT SECURE! We do not automatically gain entrance to Heaven because God loves Jacob and hates Esau. Jacob was given a leg up in his salvation. That wasn't because he deserved it, or because God had a "good feeling" about him, it was because of the promise He made to Abraham. Esau had to work harder to obtain salvation and The Bible seems to indicate that he failed. God knows who will be carried away by the direction of The Prince of The Wind because he knows everything. Does that mean he's psychic? Maybe. Or maybe it simply means that the future is limited in its outcomes and God was not willing to do for Essau what He did for Jacob. Jacob had a disposition that enabled him to receive God's Presence rightfully and Essau did not. Essau was arrogant in his heart, flippant in his actions, and there's just no way you can receive God rightfully with so much of that going on. I think The Holy Spirit will ultimately be the victor of my Salvation if I keep my eyes on Him. He has given me a keen insight into scripture and all I need to do is be mindful of it. Sounds easy right? (scoff).
AAnyway. I'm in a pissy mood. Obviously. I got a big ol' sermon about The Security of my salvation, and then the same pastor made a sermon of the exact opposite nature about a month later. And I can understand that God is not only WORTHY of being praised, but that we are designed to praise God. We as a biological species do the exact opposite. We as New Creations are not yet finished in our Creation. "What we will be has not yet been made known" The New Creation, as one of the epistles puts it, is just a cacoon that will break apart. The fabric of that cacoon is Jesus.
There's a book I probably need to read about "predestination" by a well regarded pastor. I seriously need to read God's word more regularly and engage with His presence and also need to probably read that book too, in between scripture breaks.
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