I've heard at least a couple different people scoff at the idea of luck because luck implies randomness and God has ordained every single molecule to operate exactly for a specific purpose. I don't get that. If I spill a glass of milk, I am not going to revel in God's providence in that. I call that "bad luck" because it's bad and as far I can tell, there is no purpose in it. Knowing that God works all things together for the purpose of Christians should temper the negative reaction that I have toward it, but the reality is a lot of things happen just because. Why did God create mankind? "to be glorified" Ok, so why is mankind not doing its job? You can explain things like that from The Bible, but aside from these microcosmic explanations like "mankind was tempted", "God is glorified in His wrath", and bla bla bla, the fact of the matter is we're in a giant melting pot and we don't know why we're here. We can to an extent explain it, but the explanations that God has provided only go so far. We're at war on multiple fronts and we would not have chosen that path had we known what we were getting into. And there's no going back. Why? There's no point in trying to wrap your mind around such things. And there's even less of a point in trying to wrap your mind around a minuscule occurrence like the power going out or tripping over a log. Those are bad things that DO NOT HAVE AN EXPLANATION. God has one, somewhere in the incomprehensibly vast terrain of His mind, but He's, generally speaking, not going to provide it and we'd ultimately be wasting our time asking Him such things. It's bad luck. You can substitute it with a bunch of unnecessary words, or you can just say "it's bad luck" and move on. Times when something truly awful or indescribably good happens might deserve an examination, but even those things, we ultimately usually don't know why they happen and God does not owe us, who cannot hear His voice and cannot fully comprehend the written documents He has provided us, an explanation. If He gave us an explanation, we'd most likely be too dull of hearing/discerning to even be aware that He's talking to us, much less WHAT He's saying.
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