Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Heart vs Head

"That's what you get for thinking".  My mom's ex-boyfriend (post-marriage) got a kick out of saying that.  I didn't understand the appeal.  I don't know if he understood it either.  The guy was a jerk.  But those words come to mind when I think about parenting and how it naturally has a tendency to lessen the effects of evil.
I, for one, don't feel like I have anything to pass onto a child.  Some people have posted on Facebook about how they want to pass on their love of Ghostbusters to their children.  Granted, that is something to pass onto a child, but I feel like if that's all you have to pass on, there's really no point.  My sister has a very deep bond with Lord God, and I think that is something worth passing on.  A lot of parents in this country are not Christians in the purest sense, and many have no faith in God whatsoever.  But the ideology of this nation was molded by Christians.  Almost everyone is OK with the concept of "The Greater Good".  Not everyone is in agreement with what that means or how to live by it, which is where going back to God and seeking His counsel would help tremendously.
But there's also a secondary factor, I think.  I could be wrong b/c it's not like I'm some globetrotter who's seen it all.  I think parents -- men & women, but especially women -- have a built in desire to do what's best for their children.  There are some exceptions, especially in a dying world where mental illness is increasing, but generally that is how things go.  There obviously is a desire to pursue your own selfish agenda and that conflict of interest and how tangled up it is I think is where cultural concurrences come into play. 
The reasoning behind the first murder that ever took place makes absolutely no sense.  It would make sense if there were some reason to think God's opinion of Cain would change due to Abel's absence.  Abel did not die though.  He simply ceased being able to make Cain feel guilty for Cain's own course of action.  God never intended mankind to die.  Jesus rose from the grave to demonstrate this.  We are all given the opportunity to be children of God as Adam & Eve were originally built to be because of the illustration he drew in His resurrection.  The resurrection obviously has other implications and meanings, but just as Jesus did not speak on his own accord, Jesus did not act on his own accord either.  God gave him the power to perform miracles.  God gave him the seed of life to be birthed by Mary husband of Joseph, and God gave Jesus the power to submit his spirit to Him, and God gave Jesus the power to rise and greet the world again.   If God can raise Jesus from the dead, he could do the same to anybody.  It is a relief to me to know that this life of struggling to trust and obey will someday fall asleep and be painted over with by the most beautiful colors -- colors so beautiful that any bad things that happened in this life will be rendered invisible.
I think what started this cycle of distrust and disobedience was a very key thing that mankind has since been forced to eat daily -- Adam & Eve started thinking.  Thought is extremely over rated.  It's necessary to understand something so out of this world as The Bible, but if we weren't so in deep with dishonesty in various forms, we would not need to use our noggins to the extent that it causes a splitting headache.  That is where The Holy Spirit comes in.  You are not alone in this battle.

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