Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday 10/23

Still coasting along mostly.  I was in need of sleep due to having missed out on a great deal of it over this past week, so I found myself yawning in church toward the end and prior to that feeling like I wasn't properly composed for worship.  I didn't loudly proclaim the words that I sang.  I missed chunks of what the pastor was preaching.  I got home and turned on the computer and then soon after turned it off and took a 2 hour nap.  I'm still foggy in da head, and I laid down for a little while, about an hour ago.  Nothing happened.  I guess that can kinda be expected when you got machine-gunning, tap dancing Michael Jackson exuding from your sound system.  The two I have in my collection are BAD and DANGEROUS, both meant to showcase his "tough side".  It's weird to think how much of MJ's out put I assumed was The Jackson 5.  I didn't realize until a couple or so years ago that he was still performing with his brothers during his whirlwind success with THRILLER.  The pre-OFF THE WALL material that bore the Michael Jackson brand sounded almost identical to the stuff he sang while under The Jackson 5 umbrella.  I guess knowing the difference before hand does make a difference.  The album VICTORY that The Jacksons (The Jackson 5 - 1 + 2) didn't really sound like THRILLER, but it did sound pretty similar to BAD, albeit with lower production values.
  Aaanyway.  For the most part, I've done better at conducting myself since I last posted here.  I'm still stuck in my shellshocked-ish existence, minimizing eye contact and interaction with other people.  There was a "Men's pancake breakfast" yesterday at 7:30 and I was racking my brain trying to think of a good reason to attend.  I didn't understand the concept at all.  Breakfast w/o women?  I don't understand the significance.  It probably made more sense to people who live closer to the church doors.  A 20 minute drive to and then another back seemed like a waste of time and honestly it still does.
So...hmmmm...I sold a bunch of stuff that I was hoping to sell at Amazon or Discogs to CD Warehouse in Marietta.  Not really "a bunch", er se, it was 5 items or something like that.  I don't know how many I sold, but I got $15 out of it and now I have $3.49 coming from a sale I made at Amazon.  I used some of that to buy STIR OF ECHOES.  I got a Blu ray edition of it b/c they ddin't have any DVD copies of it.  The BD was only $3.99 + tax.  That's only slightly more than it would have been had I bought it from one of the sellers on Amazon Marketplace.  So the total cash I got was $10.77.  I used $0.60 of those last two digits to buy a box of instant pudding mix and I bought a Christmas card for me grumma at  a Hallmark store.  This morning me and my Mom went to Starbucks.  I got a hot chocolate b/c I didn't feel like spending $4-$5 on a coffee and they do make some real good hot chocolate.  I should have requested they use skim milk, but o well.  I almost always forget to request that.  I don't think 2% milk has a heck of a lot more calories than skim milk...if I drank 2 or 3 cups of Starbucks hot chocolate in a day, that'd be another story, but those extra 50 or so calories combined with my normal intake can make a difference...the real difference was the meal at Wendy's I ate for lunch paid for by a friendly couple who drove me home from church since my mom had a birthday party to attend.  She was invited, so she went.  She knows her name, I forgot what she told me it is, and neither of us know how, but she's related to my sister's husband somehow.  She just turned 2 years old, which means she was a "behind the scenes" human being when I attended my sister's wedding in July of 2014.
You'd think I'd shut up by now, seeing how little I have to actually talk about...ugh...ok.  Cue fade/end credits.

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