I wrote this here as a response to Michael Tull's post on Quora answering someone's question about morality and religion.
It may not apply in every respect to all of the multitude of people who have similar attitudes about Christianity, but maybe someone will find use from it
- The different people in this world who call themselves Christians can be summed up with a careful examination of Genesis Ch 3 Vs 4 & 5 — The snake didn’t say one word in there that is an outright lie. The two first humans did not face the life that they - presumably - would have desired in place of the one they had after they'd eaten the fruit. To explain further would be to experience the life that Adam & Eve had prior to eating of the fruit. To date I have not. Likewise, for God to have clearly explained to Adam & Eve what the consequences of eating the fruit were as a means of keeping them from eating it would require one of two things A) SHOWING them the nightmare inducing wasteland that we now live in or B) Explaining to them something they have no frame of reference to understand even a little. A would be punishing them for something they'd yet to do and B would be absolutely pointless.
- Israel, now that it has been re-established as a nation, is free to follow whatever laws it wants. As far as I know it has not adopted the texts of Leviticus and Deuteronomy etc. as their law. So until such a nation comes to existence, there is no need to kill disobedient children. God sent four simple instructions to the early churches and those are documented in Acts Ch15 V19.
- Slavery was not a problem until the practice of it became more like locking someone in jail and throwing the key away. The Bible clearly lays out a limit of 7 years. And in most cases, slaveowners were not acquiring slaves by means of kidnapping. People would volunteer themselves as slaves to repay debt they had accrued. More info here Does the Bible condone slavery?
- “Some say homosexuals will burn in Hell” Saying homosexuals will go to Hell is not necessarily incorrect, but the relevance in saying such a thing is dependent on the context and the relevance of the context is ultimately what people should consider before opening their mouths to say anything, regardless of what it is. Paul said something similar to the Corinthian CHURCH because they were partying like they were on 42nd Street circa 1980 instead of sobering up like 42nd Street circa Y2K. 42nd Street Y2K is not perfect. God nor any of His messengers demanded or implied an expectation of that. "If you love Me you will follow My commands." The thing is, the love you have is like the water in a vase. You can fill it halfway and allow the flowers to flourish or you can put just enough in to give the flowers nutrients or you can drown the flowers with it. We being born dead I don't believe are even willing to drown in love. Our self preservation instincts kick in before we even take a step toward Jesus. We must deny ourselves and take that step anyway. Jesus will run toward us and do the rest for us. Jesus said to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him. He did not say to pick your dream vacation and throw a rock at some random person so that might see the inscribed on it "Jesus knows what you're doing and you're gonna pay for it"
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